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Twenty-Nine Projects Selected at the Public Call for Participation in the Official Programme in the Title Year

The jury selected 29 projects at the Public call for participation in the official ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ programme.

The programme of the European Capital of Culture, which will be implemented during 2022, will be promoted and presented to a wide European and world audience, thus contributing to programmes that are not funded but fit into the 4 New Bridges concept to win new audience.

The main programmes and activities within the project must be visible and implemented during 2022 and in accordance with the defined deadlines specified by the programme arches.

The call, which is in line with the programme concept 4 New Bridges, was announced on 7 June, in order to further enrich the cultural and artistic programme of the ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ project in the title year.

List of selected projects in the Public call for participation in the official programme in the title year:

Number of application Programme arch Applicant Name of the project
1. Other Europe KAO Parnas 20. Seize the Film International Film Festival
2. Other Europe Centre for Sustainable Urban Development and Culture Struktura Europe according to Fejős
3. The Danube Sea Čarapa Children’s Theatre Limenka Theatre Fest
4. Other Europe Muffin – production of audio-visual products Experimental superstars
5. Other Europe Mladost Cultural Centre (Futog) Vox city
6. Future of Europe Kolo ensemble of folk dances and songs Sokolova pesma
7. Doček Museum of Contemporary Arts of Vojvodina Evrovizion. Crossing stories and spaces.
8. Migrations Konrad Adenauer Foundation Stage reading of the book by Michael Martens In the Fire of Worlds: Ivo Andrić, a European Life
9. Future of Europe European Youth Parliament Serbia European culture – the influence of the individual
10. Future of Europe / Kaleidoscope of Culture The Serbian National Theatre Drama of the Serbian National Theatre in the European Capital of Culture in 2022
11. Future of Europe Belgrade Centre for Human Rights Kafanski priručnik
12. Migrations European Youth Parliament Serbia Let’s bridge cultural differences
13. Doček The Novi Sad Theatre The play Neoplanta based on the novel by Végel László
14. The Danube Sea Cultural Centre of Novi Sad The youth Danube big band
15. Migrations Muzej Grada Novo Sada The Novi Sad Exhibition
16. Kaleidoscope of Culture Cultural Centre of Novi Sad Prosefest – International Prose Festival
17. Heroines Centre for Contemporary Art Production Viva dance academy Theory of Relativity
18. Heroines The Novi Sad Theatre Ildikó Lovas: Kad te Bog šutne u stoma
19. Migrations The Novi Sad Theatre Public reading of the Promised Land essay by Végel László
20. Kaleidoscope of Culture Forum Publishing House Forum Cafe
21. The Danube Sea Cultural Centre of Novi Sad European and Independent Film Festival Euro in 2022 (topic: Save the Planet)
22. Other Europe Kolo ensemble of folk dances and songs 6. TradicijaNova ethno summit
23. Other Europe Cultural Centre of Novi Sad Novi Sad Jazz Festival
24. Other Europe Cultural Centre of Novi Sad Superpowered in Egység
25. The Fortress of Peace Cultural Centre of Novi Sad Righteous among the nations / Apollonia and Maria
26. Kaleidoscope of Culture Mladost Cultural Centre (Futog) 15. Biserna grana’Festival of traditional garment, jewellery and headpieces
27. Migrations Cultural Centre of Novi Sad Centennial of the colonisation of Vojvodina (1921 – 1941) and seventy-fifth anniversary of the colonisation (1945 – 1948)
28. Migrations Cultural Centre of Novi Sad /American Corner There and back again
29. The Danube Sea Cultural Centre of Novi Sad Our Danube

Decision on Public call for participation in the official Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture programme in 2022


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