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Cooperation Agreement between the Foundation and French Institute in Serbia

In the presence of His Excellency Frédéric Mondolini, Ambassador of the French Republic in Serbia, the cooperation agreement between French Institute in Serbia and the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation was signed in Novi Sad on 10 May 2018. This opportunity is another confirmation of both organisations’ decision to join strengths in the development of culture […]

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Споразум о сарадњи Фондације и Француског института у Србији

У присуству амбасадора Републике Француске у Србији Њ. Е. Фредерика Мондолонија, 15. маја 2018. у Новом Саду потписан је споразум о сарадњи између Француског института у Србији и Фондације „Нови Сад 2021“. Ова прилика још је једна од потврда решености обе организације да у наредном периоду,  заједничким снагама, раде на развоју културе и уметности у

Споразум о сарадњи Фондације и Француског института у Србији Read More »

Успешно одржана конференција ,,Неутрално“

Током два дана у Студију ,,М’’ у Новом Саду, имали смо прилике да разменимо пуно искустава и чујемо много савета када је реч о управљању у култури, одрживости културних простора, промишљању, планирању реализацији и вредновању културних програма и пројеката. Говорило се и о изградњи публике, различитим начинима финансирања у култури и креативним индустријама, као и

Успешно одржана конференција ,,Неутрално“ Read More »

Petrovaradin Fortress in Focus: Call for Researchers

The call for research on 4 topics relevant for the development of the Petrovaradin Fortress and its surrounding area has been launched within the ‘Case Petrovaradin: Managing Historical City Cores’ project. The project is supported by the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation. All interested researchers, research groups, research organisations and institutes

Petrovaradin Fortress in Focus: Call for Researchers Read More »

Regional Cultural Heritage

Regional heritage – sustainable way, is the topic of international conference held in the Assembly of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina on 27 April 2018. The international expert conference, organised by the Institute of European Regions (IRE), will feature experts from across Europe, as well as: István Pásztor, President of the Assembly of Autonomous Province of

Regional Cultural Heritage Read More »

Invitation to Volunteer at ‘Neutralno’ International Conference

The ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ foundation and Novi Sad Voluntary Service invite all who are interested in applying for voluntary positions during the ‘Neutralno’ conference, international platform for dialogue on new cultural spaces, which will be held in Studio M in Novi Sad on 9 and 10 May 2018. The conference

Invitation to Volunteer at ‘Neutralno’ International Conference Read More »

Foreign Tourists Recognise Chinese Quarter as a Tourist Attraction

The affirmative text about Novi Sad, which was published on American portal, singles out the Chinese Quarter as a must see obligatory location in order to experience all charms of our city. Novi Sad is recognised as an interesting cultural and tourist destination. Cool Hunting – consulting and experimental sales platform and lifestyle portal,

Foreign Tourists Recognise Chinese Quarter as a Tourist Attraction Read More »