

Gala Opening of the European Capital of Culture: Call for Novi Sad Artists

Novi Sad is getting closer to the year in which it will be the European Capital of Culture, and it is already known that the opening ceremony is scheduled for 13 January 2022.

As one of the most complex production endeavours in the European Capital of Culture programme, the opening ceremony was envisaged as a spectacular performing cultural event called Zeniteum :: 2022, whose author is Dragan Živadinov, director and one of the most significant figures of the Slovenian and regional art scene.

In order to further raise the capacity of the local scene and focus on Novi Sad artists, the ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation announced a Public call for the selection of artists / performers to participate in the opening ceremony. The application deadline is 1 August 2021.

The call is announced in order to select a minimum of 20 artists / performers who will participate as an ensemble in the opening ceremony of Zeniteum :: 2022, which will be visible to national, European and world audience. The right to participate in the Public Call have professional actors, singers, dancers, as well as acrobats and circus artists.

The jury will consider and decide on the applied candidates during the audition that will be held on 3 and 4 August 2021, in the presence of all members of the jury. You can find all the information on how to apply, criteria and the necessary documentation on our website, in the Public Calls section.


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The Zeniteum :: 2022 play has great names of Serbian science for its protagonists – mathematicians Mileva Marić Einstein and Milutin Milanković. Mathematics is the central theme of the Zeniteum :: 2022 scenario, seen as a tool and language that allows a person to describe their spiritual realisation.

The title of the play-celebration Zeniteum :: 2022 comes from the transnational art movement Zenitism, which was established by Ljubomir Micić (18951971), the artist and editor of the magazine Zenit. He shaped modernist art between the two world wars in this international magazine, and the echoes of his work were felt in Belgrade, Zagreb, Paris, Berlin, Milan and Moscow.

As previously announced, Novi Sad will present itself as the European Capital of Culture in 2022 with more than 1,500 cultural events and 4,000 local, national and international artists, within eight programme arches. Out of that, more than 1,700 European and world artists from over 45 countries will tell the story of Serbian Athens, through the vision of common European values, yet challenges. You can find more information about the programme concept HERE.