‘Caravan’, a gastronomic and musical journey, which will take visitors through different parts of Europe, will be held in Novi Sad’s cultural stations from 17 to 20 March. As part of the Migrations programme arch, ‘Caravan’ will once again re-examine the topic of migration through gastronomic culture and representatives of the world music scene. The gastronomic part of the programme starts every day at 6 p.m., while all concerts begin at 7.30 p.m. Admission is free, and the programme and schedule are listed below.
Europe through traditional dishes
The gastronomic part of the ‘Caravan’ programme begins in the Svilara and Bukovac cultural station, where the gastronomy of Western Europe will be presented on 17 March. The menu will include baguettes, croissants, sausages and cheesecake. On Friday,18 March, the cultural stations Barka and Mlin will host the cuisine of northern Europe, and visitors will have a chance to try Danish pastries, traditional English baking and almond cake. On Saturday, 19 March, in the Egység cultural stations, аnd on Sunday, 20 March, in the Bukovac cultural station, visitors will enjoy the gastronomy of southern Europe, when Greek salad and burritos will be served, as well as traditional Turkish baklava. On the last day of the ‘Caravan’, on Sunday, 20 March, at the Liman Cultural Station, a traditional Georgian soup and a Romanian apple pie-like cake will present the gastronomy of Eastern Europe as well.

Musicians from six European countries
On the first day of ‘Caravan’, on Thursday, 17 March, at the Svilara Cultural Station, the Italian band The Sidh, which is known for combining Celtic music with modern, electronic sound and dubstep, but also for combining folk and metal music, will hold a concert . On the same day, the first Serbian gospel choir, Merry Gospel Choir, with numerous performances at festivals throughout the region and Europe, will perform at the Bukovac Cultural Station On Friday,18 March, at the Mlin Cultural Station, the guest will be the Finnish attraction Sväng Harmonica Quartet, a band that won the world with its accordion, while Jovan Pavlović, winner of the highest award in the field of culture in Trondheim, Norway, will hold a concert at the Barka Cultural Station. The Tango ensemble Librecuatro from Serbia will present the magic of tango to the audience at the Egység Cultural Station on Saturday, 19 March. On the last day of the programme, on Sunday, 20 March, The Light in Babylon band will hold a concert at the Rumenka Cultural Station. At the same time the four-member band Jeremy?, the first Bulgarian band to win a gold medal in a composition competition, will perform at the SCCNS Fabrika, near the Liman Cultural Station. In addition to them, at the same location, a genre fluid band from Bulgaria, Kerana & Kosmonavtite will perform.

Programme and Timeline
17 March
6 p.m. / Western European Cuisine / SVILARA CS and BUKOVAC CS
7.30 p.m. / Concert: The Sidh (Italy) / SVILARA CS
7.30 p.m. / Concert: Merry Gospel Choir (Serbia) / BUKOVAC CS
18 March
6 p.m. / Northern European Cuisine / MLIN CS and BARKA CS
7.30 p.m. / Concert: Sväng Harmonica Quartet (Finland) / MLIN CS
7.30 p.m. / Concert: Jovan Pavlović and Svartlamon Hardkor (Norway) / BARKA CS
19 March
6 p.m. / Southern European Cuisine / EGYSÉG CS
7.30 p.m. / Concert: Libercuatro Tango Ensemble (Serbia) / EGYSÉG CS
20 March
6 p.m. / Eastern European Cuisine / LIMAN CS
6 p.m. / Southern European Cuisine / RUMENKA CS
7.30 p.m. / Concert: Light in Babylon (Turkey) / RUMENKA CS
7.30 p.m. / Concert: JEREMY? (Bulgaria) / SCCNS FABRIKA
9.00 p.m. / Concert: Kerana & Kosmonavtite Band (Bulgaria) / SCCNS FABRIKA
Loft Coffee and Food Bar is the partner of the ‘Caravan’ programme, and it’s also supported by IDEA.
Photo: Promo