

i-Portunus Mobility Programme: Call for Musicians, Professionals in the Field of Cultural Heritage, Architects and Translators

i-Portunus programme was created in order to support mobility of artists, creators and professionals in the field of culture in all countries participating in the Creative Europe Programme, including Serbia. Its main focus is to connect artists and to support international cooperation.

All interested cultural workers can apply to currently opened call for mobility support for artists:

  • The call for mobility in the field of music – dedicated to composers, musicians, and singers, preferably artists who work in the field of classical music, jazz, and traditional music genres. The call is opened until 28 February, and you can find more information on the following link.
  • The call for artists, creators, and professionals in the field of culture related to cultural heritage. The call is opened until 15 April, and you can find more information on the following link.

The calls for architects and translators are currently open, and more details about deadlines, application conditions and other information related to the programme are available on the official website of the i-Portunus project.

The programme is open to candidates and groups of candidates aged 18+, of all educational qualifications and levels of experience, legally residing in a Creative Europe country.

i-Portunus provides financial support to partially fund the travel costs (transportation, accommodation, etc.) to another (or several) Creative Europe country(ies), thus offering support in terms of per diems for study trips.

The duration of a study visit is prescribed, as well as the implementation deadline, depending on the call, with the possibility to delay it in the case of closing borders due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The main objective of mobility is preferably one of the following:

  • International cooperation – e.g., in the framework of an international project;
  • Production oriented residences – e.g., in situ research and development new design in relation to the social and physical environment or
  • Professional development – e.g., participation in network meetings, showcases, workshops, master classes and other types of training outside of formal education, such as creative hubs.

The total amount of the grant (including transportation and per diems) is EUR 3,000.00 per person. Additional mobility support can be provided to artists, creators and cultural professionals with disabilities who work in the field of culture.


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