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July in Novi Sad: Events Not To Miss This Month

July in Novi Sad will be marked by numerous exciting events and festivals, and if you are planning a visit to Novi Sad or staying in your city, we bring you a refreshing breath of culture that will be a real treat during hot days. We highlight for you the events that you should not miss, and we invite you to follow the calendar on our website regularly in order to be up to date with all the happenings in the city. As always, we have suggestions for all ages and tastes. Experience the magic of summer in Novi Sad and indulge in the rich cultural programme in the city of culture!

Current Exhibitions

Spirit of Place – A Century of the District/ Fabrika 2, District / permanent exhibition, Wednesday to Sunday, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Mileva: We Are One Rock/ City Museum of Novi Sad, Petrovaradin Fortress / every day except Monday, from 9 p.m. until 5 p.m.

Totalitarian Terracotta / Radionica / runs until 17 July

 7th Collage Biennale / American Corner in Novi Sad / runs until the end of July

Conscious Abandonment of Reality – Sava Sekulić and Ilija Bosilj / Gallery of Matica Srpska / runs until 1 September

Imaginary Encounters/ Galerija na Štrafti / runs until 8 July

Music Programme


VIVA ESPAÑA! (NEO ANSAMBL II) / 1 July / 8 p.m. / Svilara Cultural Station

JOHNNY MIDNIGHT TRIO | NOVI SAD MUSIC SUMMER 2024 / 2 July / 9 p.m. / Liberty Square

PIANO TRIO / 2 July / 8 p.m. / City Hall

CLASSICS AND JAZZ: NEO ANSAMBL III / 3 July / 8 p.m. / Svilara Cultural Station

 THE NOVI SAD BIG BAND | NOVI SAD MUSIC SUMMER 2024/ 3 July / Liberty Square / 9 p.m.


ROCK KIDS / 5 July / 8 p.m. / Katolička Porta

BLOKSTOK FESTIVAL / 6 July / 7 p.m. / Železnički Park / FREE ADMISSION

 BRAVE NU WORLD TOUR/ 20 July / 7 p.m. / SCCNS Fabrika / TICKETS

TESTAMENT / 25 July / 8 p.m. / SCCNS Fabrika / TICKETS


The Exit Festival

The Exit music festival, one of the symbols of the city, will be held from 10 to 14 July, and as before, some of the most significant world music names will arrive in Novi Sad. Reserve the second weekend of July for the impact of good energy and sound that will ‘rock’ from the Petrovaradin Fortress. Black Eyed Peas, Carl Cox (3h hybrid set), Gucci Mane, Black Coffee, Tom Morello, Steve Morello, Maceo Plex, Rudimental, Klangkuenstler, Kenya Grace and many others will be performing on some of the 40 stages that will be set up at the Fortress. Check out the programme on the official website  of the festival.


Novi Sad Children’s Summer

The Novi Sad BIG Children’s Summer, implemented by the Novi Sad Children’s Cultural Centre, returns this year with a rich programme that will last throughout the summer break. The events will be held at several locations, providing your little ones with an experience to remember. During the next two months, the youngest residents of Novi Sad, aged 4 to 14, will have the chance to spend the summer break in a fun and creative way. You can find a detailed programme on the link.

Summer in the Gallery Square

Fill the summer months with culture and fun in the Gallery Square, since every Thursday, during July and August, in the evening hours, you can expect attractive events implemented by the Gallery of Matica Srpska, the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection and the Rajko Mamuzić Gift Collection. While we excitedly await the Olympic medals of our athletes who will represent Serbia at this year’s Olympic Games in Paris, a rich cultural PROGRAMME will enliven the core of Novi Sad. Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the unique combination of art and sport!

Night Bazaar

Join us on 5 July from 6 p.m. at the Fish Market when it will once again become an oasis of creativity, culinary delights and supreme music. The traditional  Night Bazaar offers a unique opportunity to try local products from small entrepreneurs, enjoy great company and indulge in an unforgettable experience that will awaken all your senses. Don’t miss this special event – see you at the bazaar!

Letenka Astronomy Camp

A true summer paradise for star fans! Join the Astronomy Camp on Letenka, which every year in mid-July transforms this site on Fruška Gora into the centre of an astronomical adventure. From 11 to 14 July, you can expect inspiring lectures, fascinating demonstrations, interactive presentations, lively conversations, challenging quizzes and exciting astronomical observation competitions. Regardless of your formal education or age, the camp is open to anyone who wishes to expand their knowledge or share it with others.

You can find more information about the programme HERE.

Author: Marina Marić

Photo: SKUP, Vladimir Veličković


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