
Survey: What Do You Think About Cultural Events in Our City?

Dear fellow citizens, we invite you to express your opinion on the events and activities that are being implemented within preparations for the year of the European Capital of Culture.

What are your expectations for 2022, when our city will officially take the title of European Capital of Culture? Have you visited any event that is part of the programme of the ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ project? Do you notice any changes in the cultural life of the city?

These are just some of the questions in the survey, and your honest answers will help us improve future activities in the field of culture and art.

The ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ project aims to create a new cultural identity of the city, and your impressions of the programmes, events and activities in the city and their advertising in preparation for the title year, will help us jointly implement the vision of the Beginning of New. Now!

You can find the survey on the link!


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