
The Invitation for Young People to Participate in the ‘Youth Engagement Theatre’ International Project

The new public call for all young people who would like to participate in the ‘Youth Engagement Theatre’ International project has been launched. Deadline for application is 30 April 2021.

Омладински ангажовани театар

The ‘Youth Engagement Theatre’ project includes production of a youth theatre play through the workshop, during which young people can participate both as authors and as performers. The project is envisaged as a mix of different activities: social research, debates, lectures, presentation, artistic and creative works, team work, international youth exchange programmes. Sonja Leštar, a pedagogue and an actress, and Maja Grgić, a director, will work with young people within the project.

The play is part of the ‘European Youth Engagement Network 2.0 – 2’ international project, supported by the ‘Europe for Citizens’ EU programme. The ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation is the project leader, in cooperation with 15 partner organisations from nine countries.

Partner organisations from Greece, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Slovenia, France, Serbia and Lithuania have a task to direct a play on some of the following topics: refugee crisis, women’s rights, Euroscepticism, solidarity, fake news, ecology, anti-fascism, economy. After the premieres, plays will be performed in partner countries. Young people who participate in the project will have a chance to travel and cooperate with their peers from partner countries. The plays will be performed as part of the main programme of the two European Capitals of Culture – Novi Sad 2022 and Kaunas 2022.

The ‘Drž’ – ne daj’ troupe, being the partner in the project, invites all interested people aged 15 to 30, of all educational, social and life backgrounds, high school students and students with artistic or acting experience, or with no experience at all, from Novi Sad and its surroundings, to apply for participation in this exciting creative adventure.

Time slot for the audition will be sent after the application is received.