
The New Cultural Station Opens in Kovilj

The network of cultural stations, a unique model of culture in this part of Europe created as a result of the ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ project, which includes revitalized and new cultural spaces throughout the city and its surroundings, is richer for another cultural station in the vicinity of Novi Sad The Kovilj Cultural Station will be opened at 113 Laze Kostića Street in Kovilj on Thursday, 15 December, at noon.

As part of the opening programme, the ‘Stevan Pešić’ literary award will be presented. This year’s winner of the prestigious literary award is Julia Kapornjaji, a writer from Novi Sad, for the ‘Panaceja’ poetry book. The prize is awarded by the City Library in Novi Sad and the Kovilj Local Community Council. In addition the award ceremony, there will also be an artistic programme in which the Folklore Ensemble ‘Laza Kostić’ and the Music Workshop ‘Kovilje’ will participate.

The Kovilj Cultural Station is located in an authentic Vojvodina environment, opposite the birth-house of Laza Kostić, which, in addition to its rich history and tradition, is the greatest pride of the village in the vicinity of Novi Sad. Kovilj is the latest in a series of cultural stations opened in Novi Sad and its surroundings, in addition to Svilara, Egység, Caravan, Bukovac, Mlin, Rumenka, Barka and Liman.

You can find a detailed programme of cultural stations on the website.

Photo: Jelena Ivanović