Public call for participation in the official Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture programme in 2022

Subject of the public call:

A public call for the needs of supplementing the official programme of the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture project in 2022, and for proposing projects that are in line with the programme concept 4 New Bridges, in order to further enrich the cultural and artistic programme of the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture project in 2022 is announced. The selected programmes for the title year should be implemented in the territory of the City of Novi Sad and Zone 021 (municipalities of Irig, Beočin and Sremski Karlovci), and in exceptional cases, the programme can be implemented in other places as well.

The call opens the possibility of using the brand and visuals of Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture for selected projects. Another benefit of this call is the inclusion of selected programmes in the official cultural and artistic programme in the title year, i.e. in the final Program Book of the European Capital of Culture, which is strongly presented and communicated internationally. The call is intended for applicants who do not need additional financial support. Therefore, the programmes selected under this call will NOT be co-financed.

The projects applying for the call must be public, cultural and artistic programmes that are in line with the programme concept and ‘4 New Bridges’ artistic vision. Applicants are obliged to, respecting the programme concept of the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture project in 2022; opt for one or more of the eight offered thematic units, the so-called programme arches.


General objective (s) of the public call:

The call is announced in order to supplement the official programme of the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture project for 2022, for projects whose holders independently provide funds for their implementation (from preparation, promotion and production), while participation in the European Capital of Culture project will contribute to visibility and public communication of such projects through the introduction into the final official Programme Book for the title year, which has visibility at the international level.

The programme of the European Capital of Culture, which will be implemented during 2022, will be promoted and presented to a wide European and world audience, thus contributing to programmes that are not funded but fit into the ‘4 New Bridges’ concept to win new audience.

The main programmes and activities within the project must be visible and implemented in 2022, in accordance with the defined deadlines specified in the programme arches.


Right to participate in the call:

The right to participate in the call have legal entities (institutional and non-institutional scene), based in the country or abroad, whose main activity and area for meeting the goals for which the legal entity was established, is in accordance with the programme concept and artistic

vision ‘4 new bridges’ developed by the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation.

Applicants can also be individuals with residence in the country and abroad, but who can independently implement the programme from production planning to implementation and promotion, while the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture project will contribute to greater visibility through the promotion of programme units in 2022.


Unacceptable programmes and activities:

– which are organised for private purposes;

– which are predominantly commercial and designed to promote commercial products or services;

– which promote certain political or religious organizations;

– which are not in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and the fundamental values of the European Union.



Programme narrative of the ‘Novi Sad 2022’ project comes out from the ‘4 New Bridges’ slogan. The slogan represents the idea of building new bridges of cooperation and exchange between artists and organisations from Novi Sad and Serbia with European cultural scene. By implementing the European Capital of Culture project and promoting its values through programmes, we directly contribute to the process of European integrations of Serbia. Furthermore, specific context of the title, which influences the programme concept, is the fact that Novi Sad was the first city to win the title of European Capital of Culture, within special programme for candidate countries for membership in the European Union.

The artistic concept of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ project for 2022 is based on the basic values of the European Union, such as human rights, multiculturality, intercultural dialogue, environmental awareness and peace policy. These values promote the idea of open democratic society based on contemporary humanism. Connecting them with the history, culture and identity of Novi Sad, we defined four programme bridges, and we symbolically named some of them after the existing Novi Sad bridges, i.e. after the values that the city wishes to strengthen and further develop in the context of European integration. There are: ‘Freedom’, ‘Rainbow’, ‘Hope’ and ‘Love’

Each of these symbolic programme bridges is divided into specific thematic units, the so-called programme arches – ‘Doček’, ‘Second Europe’, ‘Migrations’, ‘Fortress of Peace’, ‘Future of Europe’, ‘Heroines’, ‘The Danube Sea’, ‘Kaleidoscope of Culture’. In the title year, these arches will be presented in predefined time intervals through the implementation of projects from the Bid Book. We wish to supplement and further enrich the programme with new projects selected in this call, linking them with existing projects from the Bid Book and previously implemented public calls, to group them into programme clusters during the planning of the final Programme Book – smaller thematic units within programme arches.



Time: From 22 July to 21 August 2022

Note: Project activities that are essential for the project should be implemented in the specified period. Preparatory, reporting and other accompanying activities may be performed outside this period.

Mission: The main objective of the programme arch is to re-examine humans’ attitude towards nature and environmental protection in the specific context of limited social interaction and interpersonal relations caused by the pandemic crisis through the metaphor of the Danube, as the largest and most polluted European river.

Concept: Cultural and artistic content that discover and (re)examine the Danube, its shores, river islands, small and hidden Danube towns and hamlets, but also the cultural heritage of the countries through which the Danube passes are being developed within the Danube Sea programme arch. The Danube is thus artistically considered and (re)positioned as a symbol of Novi Sad, which the people of Novi Sad call ‘our sea’, but also as a metaphor for European diversity, bearing in mind that it flows through 10 European countries.

Clusters: The Danube Sea programme arch is implemented through two programme clusters.

Riverbank – artistic and educational projects dealing with the topic of environmental protection (more precisely the Danube) with the use of new scientific information and/or technologies;

Piers – artistic projects that promote traditional and contemporary art and culture of the people of the Danube region.

Key topics: Cultural heritage of the Danube region, ecological and gastronomic topics, diversity and richness of life on the river and the coast.

Priority types of expression for the Danube Sea programme arch: activism, visual, musical, performing, circus, speech and applied arts.



Time: From 17 June to 17 July 2022

Note: Project activities that are essential for the project should be implemented in the specified period. Preparatory, reporting and other accompanying activities may be performed outside this period.

Mission: Critical thinking on the causes and consequences of war conflicts and research of the culture of peace and unity through socially engaged art and theory.

Concept: The European Union was created on the ruins of Europe after World War II, as a peace project that promotes a policy of preventing armed conflicts, in order not to repeat the horrors of European wars. On the other hand, the consequences of the recent war and unresolved conflicts are still being felt in Serbia and the so-called Western Balkans region.

Within this programme unit, we explore different concepts of a culture of peace, reconciliation and togetherness. We encourage projects that promote anti-fascist ideas and foster an engaged and critical approach to the causes and consequences of war, through art and humanities. This includes dealing with the past and culture of remembering the victims of the war in the Western Balkans, Europe and the world. Furthermore, programmes that enable the discussion of conflicts and post-conflict societies through the prism of ordinary citizens, students and experts, programmes that thematise the experiences of European and non-European countries in resolving conflicts within their borders and/or conflicts with neighbouring countries are welcome.

Clusters: The programmes of this programme arch are developed through four programme clusters, i.e., four programme subunits.

Requiem – a variety of approaches to criticizing war conflicts, dealing with the past and commemorating the victims of war conflicts.

Eutopia – reinvention of the Europe of Peace idea. This programme cluster evokes a dialogue on the future of Europe, how to face the challenges ahead, and how to achieve the Europe of peace together.

Rebellion – encouraging artistic expressions in the field of social engagement and activism. This cluster deals with the art of resistance and the alternative culture of remembrance.

Dove – affirmation of Novi Sad as a city of peace and unity. Noah’s dove on the coat of arms of Novi Sad refers to the turbulent past, and perhaps even more to the fact that Novi Sad managed to come to life after the wars. At the same time, it is a pledge of peace, which has already settled in this area.

Key topics: peace, culture of peace, togetherness, reconciliation, culture of remembrance.

Priority types of expression for the Fortress of Peace programme arch: humanities, performing and visual arts (especially film and photography), archeology and music.



Time: From 1 February to 15 March 2022

Note: Project activities that are essential for the project should be implemented in the specified period. Preparatory, reporting and other accompanying activities may be performed outside this period.

Mission: Interpretation of migrations as opportunities for improving the quality of community life and promoting the value of intercultural dialogue.

Concept: Today when the refugee crisis across Europe risks deepening racial and ethnic stereotypes, prejudices and potential conflicts, Novi Sad is still facing the challenge of migrations resulting from earlier warfare. Throughout history, the second-largest city in Serbia, with its specific geostrategic position, has built its identity on migratory movements and has become recognisable for its multiculturalism and coexistence of numerous ethnic groups. Today 21 ethnic communities live in it; seventeen languages are spoken, of which seven official languages of the European Union, and four that are in official use in the city. This is why we see migrations as something unique to Novi Sad, stressing their importance in the formation and transformation of the city’s identity.

On one hand, we observe historical migrations that have affected the present cultural identity of Novi Sad and Europe. On the other hand, we deal with the common problem of the region, the issue of current migrations and the motives of, above all, young people for leaving the country.

Clusters: The programmes of this programme arch are developed through four programme clusters, i.e., four programme subunits.

Crossroads – within this cluster, it will be presented how the intertwining of different European cultures and influences built the migration identity of Novi Sad.

Migrart – Migration will be seen as an inseparable part of Europe’s identity by interweaving old masters and new talents of the European art scene through classical art, photography and contemporary creativity,

Soul Migrations – a unique literature pavilion in this part of Europe, where current topics of migration will be read through various types of art at the Novi Sad Fair.

Caravan – through various tastes of gastronomic culture, spiced with authentic art, visiting Novi Sad cultural stations sets off on a unique journey through Europe.

Key topics: intercultural dialogue

Priority types of expression for the Migrations programme arch: performing arts, visual arts, applied arts, engaged speech programmes, music programmes and gastronomy.



Time: From 16 May to 14 June 2022

Note: Project activities that are essential for the project should be implemented in the specified period. Preparatory, reporting and other accompanying activities may be performed outside this period.

Mission: Fostering and promoting female culture, art, creation, history and heritage in order to create a more righteous and an equal position of women.

Concept: If we analyse the current cultural and artistic scene in Serbia, and in a bigger part of the European Union, it is evident that the male culture is dominant in terms of authors, themes and approaches. The question of gender equality, although up-to-date in other segments of society, is not sufficiently dealt in culture, although gender stereotypes in society are often generated through culture. Within this programme arch, our intention is to promote female art and culture, which are mostly invisible and insufficiently recognised. The female cultural history of Novi Sad has developed by following example, and most often in cooperation with the most important European activist, feminist and artistic movements, thus the contemporary creativity of Novi Sad female artists is present on the European cultural scene. The ‘Heroine’ programme arch will open the space for presenting and evaluating Novi Sad female scene, one of the most significant female scenes in the Balkans, but also important in the wider European context.

This approach is in accordance with global goals of the United Nations in the next decade, which is a call for gender equality and position of women in society, in order to create righteous and freer society. The United Nations campaign warns that, despite different historical circumstances, female culture is being marginalised in most national strategies. The movement for the liberation of women has been one of the most important cultural and political processes of the 20th century, which continues in the 21st century, and the leaders of the movement on the global level have always been European women.

At the same time, this will be a new opportunity for different approaches to the study and affirmation of the intercultural female history of Novi Sad with the integration of female cultural creativity into the framework of national and international values.


The Heroines strive to make the question of women closer to the general public through artistic and theoretical practices, following the history of women fighting for emancipation through four thematic clusters.

Matica – Following the example of the great benefactress and patron Marija Trandafil, who would even today surely try to better the world and her surroundings with beauty and humane deeds, we want to continue the tradition and enrich this thematic cluster with fine arts, music and women’s creativity programmes, in order to enrich the scene and encourage female authors and artists to interpret the legacies of cultural heritage in an innovative way.

Mileva – Mileva Marić-Einstein is an important part of history. She is significant for both world and national science. Often neglected both in our country and in the world, she is a symbol of all female scientists who, throughout history, remained in the shadow of their male colleagues, sometimes even life companions. Our goal is to encourage participants to question the roles and contribution of women in science through this cluster.

Vila – With an aim to support female writers and poets, inspired by Milica Stojadinović Srpkinja, projects in this platform should encourage literary discourse through panels, competitions, international poetry exchanges, conferences and by linking other art expressions and disciplines.

Milica – Inspired by the life and work of Milica Tomić, a brave activist and a pioneer of her time, projects in this cluster will carry the universal fighting feminist note, encouraging women’s freedom in various forms of expressions, touching upon numerous currently active global themes.

Key topics: empowering women and nurturing female creativity.

Priority types of expression for the Heroines programme arch: activist and engaged programmes, visual arts, design, digital creation and multimedia, applied arts, performing arts and music programmes.



Time: From 31 December 2021 to 16 January 2022

Note: Project activities that are essential for the project should be implemented in the specified period. Preparatory, reporting and other accompanying activities may be performed outside this period.

Mission: Affirmation of multiculturality of Novi Sad through celebration and introduction to holidays of different religions and cultures.

Concept: Citizens of Novi Sad intensively celebrate their ethnic and religious diversity in the period from mid-December until end of January. In this period, there are two celebrations of New Year’s Eve, two Christmases, two Christmas Eves, Patron Saints of homes and other customs, which are the great reason for socialising and family gatherings.

In order to celebrate two ways of calculating time with two programme concepts, within this programme arch, Novi Sad organises a unique Doček (New Year’s Eve celebration) in Europe, according to Gregorian and Julian calendars. Citizens of Novi Sad, together with guests and tourists, celebrate their multiculturality by connecting local cultural heritage with intangible cultural heritage of Europe.

Doček offers genre and artistic diversity by reviving different city’s spaces, which we connect within our programme, in order to involve the highest possible number of audience members,

and to set new standards in celebration of intangible cultural heritage of local community at the same time.

It is also an overture for the opening ceremony of the title year, with the concept of ‘time bridge’ that relies on the calendar for time calculating, invented by our great scientist Milutin Milanković,and which should be presented through an innovative artistic setting as a unique journey through time.

Within the programme arch Doček, we encourage the application of projects that deal with the interpretation of the cultural heritage of Novi Sad, projects whose programmes are implemented in unusual spaces and in peripheral places around Novi Sad and the so-called ‘Zone 021’, projects that include light art and light installations, performing and visual arts through multimedia and stage content.

Key topics: time calculating, interculturality, merging science and art.

Priority types of expression for the Doček programme arch: fine arts, applied arts, visual arts, design, digital creation and multimedia, merging music-stage and visual arts.



Time: From 15 March to 15 May 2022

Note: Project activities that are essential for the project should be implemented in the specified period. Preparatory, reporting and other accompanying activities may be performed outside this period.

Mission: Improving the quality of children’s and youth culture through the development of alternative models of education, international cooperation and exchange, and active involvement of children and youth in creating the cultural offer of the city.

Concept: The Future of Europe is a programme unit of the Novi Sad 2021 project, which is based on the idea that by investing in children and youth, we develop a better, more sustainable and safer future for Europe; Europe as a better place to live for all of us.

Within this unit, we encourage the submission of artistic, educational and activist projects that: represent new artistic forms and narratives for children and youth, as well as forms and narratives of children’s and youth creativity; develop the youngest audience in cultural institutions; encourage the integration of culture and the arts into regular teaching and extracurricular activities more than is otherwise the case; encourage critical thinking and problematize current social issues through engaged art; encourage the active involvement of children and young people in the cultural and social policies of Novi Sad and Europe; consider the future of Europe through the culture and art created by children and young people, as well as the culture and art created for children and young people; promote children’s creativity and the creativity of young artists from Novi Sad in Europe and vice versa.

Clusters: The programmes of this programme arch are developed through three programme clusters, i.e., three large programme subunits.

Schools of the Future – programmes and project activities in this cluster develop alternative models of education through art, circus and play.

Flags of the Future – this cluster includes socially engaged programmes from children and youth, for children and youth.

Fairy Tales of the Future – projects within this cluster should reinterpret existing narratives and create new fairy tales for children and youth.

Key topics: children’s and youth creativity, creativity for children and youth with a focus on non-formal education, social activism and engagement, new narratives and fairy tales, as well as active involvement of children and youth in cultural and social trends.

Priority types of expression for the Future of Europe programme arch: visual, multimedia, literature, music, performing – theatre, dance, circus and performance, street, applied arts.



Time: From 1 September to 6 October 2022

Note: Project activities that are essential for the project should be implemented in the specified period. Preparatory, reporting and other accompanying activities may be performed outside this period.

Mission: Nurturing a culture of togetherness and promoting the cultural diversity of Novi Sad.

Concept: The Kaleidoscope of Culture is a year-round project of culture of togetherness that connects artists, cultural institutions, non-governmental organisations, citizens and visitors through various processes. Artistic processes that take place throughout the year (improvement of public spaces, artistic programmes, residences, etc.) get their public presentation during the fall when Novi Sad is transformed into a magnificent and exciting city-scene. During five weeks, the programmes take place in groups that are not thematically detailed, but are divided into certain artistic fields in order to activate all relevant stakeholders on the cultural scene, available urban spaces and resources and put them in the service of art and create a unique image of Novi Sad as a city where art lives and vibrates everywhere – not only through a network of cultural stations, but also on the streets, squares, parks, courtyards and other, forgotten and neglected parts of the city. Within this programme arch, projects that, through modern work methodology, revive and reinterpret the existing cultural heritage, present new artistic forms and tendencies, educate and develop the audience and raise awareness of the importance of art in increasing the quality of everyday life will be developed. The goal is to raise the capacities of the local art scene, and to encourage it to network and connect with artists and artistic groups from Europe and the world.


Visual Arts – This programme week aims to present cultural heritage through retrospective exhibitions of artists / art groups / directions in an innovative way through multimedia content with the aim of bringing cultural heritage closer to the audience aged from 7 to 77 years. Furthermore, this week’s programmes offer space for presenting young artists through solo / group exhibitions and presenting new trends in modern art practice. In addition to fine and new media art, during this week we are also dealing with film as an important segment of visual art, within which the Kaleidoscope of Culture programme opens space for thematically diverse film programmes and screenings.

Architecture – Week of architecture is dedicated to industrial heritage, i.e. objects, complexes and landscapes of industrial heritage, as well as topics related to mapping, evaluation, protection, promotion and new trends of conversion of this neglected cultural treasure and its inclusion in socio-economic development of local communities for both cultural/non-profit and commercial/profit purposes. The programme content can also be dedicated to the issues of research, interpretation and vision of the modern, urban development of Novi Sad presented from an urban-architectural perspective. Furthermore, within this programme week, we wish to examine how architecture got its application in the creative industries and became a grateful and exploited topic in video games, i.e., how it became an important segment of stage design. The focus of the week of architecture is also on citizens and opportunities for their active involvement in the creation of public space and public urban areas. Within the project activities, preference is given to organizing lectures, workshops, case studies and presentations, and the educational dimension will be especially valued.

Performing Arts – This cluster is aimed at presenting the diversity of the local and international theatre, music, dance and circus scene, through plays, performances, concerts, as well as other types of stage performance. One of the key goals is to raise the capacity of the local scene, pool resources and support stakeholders from the scene in the process of developing sustainable programmes. By planning events in public places, open spaces, popular Novi Sad locations and other alternative locations, it will contribute to the affirmation of performing art forms and reach a diverse audience.

Literature – Week of literature is dedicated to presenting the diversity of the local literary scene (both established and multi-award winning artists, and new literary talents that are just entering the contemporary literary scene), connecting local authors with authors from the region and/or Europe/world, new places for the presentation of literary works and new formats of literary events, decentralisation of culture, as well as audience development. We put emphasis on projects based on activities aimed at popularizing books and reading, as well as the development of literary audiences and the presentation of Novi Sad as an important place on the literary map of Europe.

Applied Arts – Programmes designed to present the applied arts will be dedicated primarily to graphic design, interior design, textiles, web design, industrial design, and typography and fashion design. The aim is to present new practices in this field and present them through workshops, presentations and concrete exhibitions of designers from the country and Europe.

Key topics: Rethinking the relationship between space and programme in the context of culture; reinterpretation of space as an active factor in the cultural life of the community; the influence of the accumulated meanings of space and its symbolic value for the community – on the experience and ‘use’ of space; cult places in the culture of the City – culture as a way of life of the City: Spence, Korzo, Najlon, Gallery Square, Fortress, Suburbium; Station, Great Liman; reinterpretation of industrial heritage in the field of culture.

Priority types of expression for the Kaleidoscope of Culture programme arch: Music (classical), opera, theatre, contemporary dance, street art, architecture, design, literature, creative industries, research, and educational activities.



Time: From 10 October to 30 November 2022

Note: Project activities that are essential for the project should be implemented in the specified period. Preparatory, reporting and other accompanying activities may be performed outside this period.

Mission: Research on artistic scene and culture with different aesthetic, ethnic, religious, sexual, political, racial, value identities and beliefs, rather than socially dominant ones.

Concept: European culture is mostly recognisable on the basis of dominantly accepted and generally widespread artistic expressions and values, which create a one-dimensional and incomplete image of the complexity of European identity and cultural heritage. Under this surface of dominant expressions, there is a hidden, invisible, basement-like, secret, anti-elitist, rebellious, marginalized, minority, counter-cultural, alternative, value-different Europe. This is the Europe that is not sufficiently represented on maps, school textbooks, TV screens, and official tourist guides. Understanding the culture of the ‘Second Europe’ contributes to understanding the complexity and depth of European cultural identity.

In addition to the developed institutional and national culture, during 1960s, Novi Sad, along with Zagreb, Belgrade and Ljubljana, had become recognisable on the international scene in the field of avant-garde, alternative, non-institutional artistic, intercultural and media practices of exchanging and creating new ideas. The Youth Forum was one of the liveliest cultural institutions in the country, where people engaged in open discussion and provocative debate, expressing the most liberal ideas and other initiatives. For example, at that time, body art performances, the most visible expression of the conflicted relationship between individual and collective, concealment and exposure of privacy, were more frequent than today. The ‘Yellow House’ on the bank of the Danube, although now demolished, retains the memory of the passionate civil activism of the 1980s, generated by young artists. Since the time when music in the former Yugoslavia began to show the first timid signs of rebellion and counterculture, Novi Sad had become an important point on the musical map of Yugoslavia, culminating in the era of new wave and punk with many cult bands.

Clusters: ‘Second Europe’ in the title year should present exactly this spirit of Novi Sad, which will be divided into several thematic segments.

Superpowered (marginalized groups) – Within this segment, programmes dedicated to art brut, i.e. art created by people with disabilities and mental disabilities, which will present the current state of this artistic field in Novi Sad, Serbia and Europe; programmes that will present the inclusive side of art in fields such as architecture, film, music, dance and the ways in which it can contribute to reducing prejudice and better integration of people with disabilities into society. Programmes that will contribute to the inclusiveness of already existing works of art by looking for new ways that actively and innovatively involve a wide population in contact with works of art are also expected. The emphasis is on the spread of culture and art among the audience, which due to its marginalized position is not often able to experience it. Programmes that encourage networking of organizations in Serbia, the region and Europe will also be evaluated.

City of Comics (marginalized expressions – comics) – The art of comics as insufficiently recognized heritage of Novi Sad and Serbia should be presented in this segment. Programmes that will present the national comic heritage in an innovative, interactive way, and on the other hand present the current overview of comics in Europe and the world are expected. The use of new media for showing comics is supported and emphasis is placed on educating the general population in this field. Given the topic of the Second Europe, presentations of comics and graphic novels are expected as an expression that insists on a subcultural tradition.

B Side (minority and non-European cultures, subcultural groups and alternative expressions) –Through this programme, it is necessary to present to a wider audience the minority cultures as well as cultures that the public in Novi Sad and Serbia had little chance to see, with an emphasis on local potential. The programme envisages presenting Novi Sad in the light of the memory of the past period that significantly marked its history during the 20th century (the period of black film, eccentric fashion, experimental sound and conceptual art), but also through the contemporary minority and alternative scene, which would, in a dialogue with its European colleagues, present what minority and alternative art is today. Innovative programmes that contribute to a critical look cultural groups that rarely have the opportunity to have their voices heard are expected.

Key topics: creativity of marginalized, minority, subcultural groups and their better integration into society, comics as a minority expression, non-European cultures and their correlation with our culture, alternative heritage and modern alternative.

Priority types of expression for the Second Europe programme arch: visual arts (multimedia, photography, painting, short film, architecture, comics), activist and engaged programmes, performing arts (interactive theatre, musical, performance, and dance) and music programme, creative industries (digitization, media, new media, fashion), literature, museology.



The application is submitted on the application form (Form 1), which can be downloaded from the Foundation’s website ( in the section: Public calls.

The application form (Form 1) is submitted in one copy.

The applicant should also enclose copies of the following documents in one copy:

  1. Copy of the registration act of a legal entity or entrepreneur with the competent authority (for legal entities);
  2. Biographies of the project leader and members participating in the proposed programme;
  3. Memorandum of Understanding (Form 2) in case there are partners.

Complete documentation must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the offices of the Foundation, at the address: Trg Slobode 3, Novi Sad, every working day until 4 p.m. or by registered mail to the address:

The ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation

Trg Slobode no. 3

21101 Novi Sad

PO box. 153

The following note should be written on the envelope: Public call for participation in the official Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture programme in 2022

The documentation submitted by the applicants under this call is not returned.



When writing a project proposal, it is necessary to take into account the following aspects that will be evaluated during the evaluation of the project proposal:



• The application is complete, understandable, submitted on the appropriate form in accordance with the propositions of the call and signed by an authorised person.



• Alignment of the topics and objectives of the proposed project with the programme concept and artistic vision of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capitals of Culture’ Foundation 4 New Bridges and guidelines for the development and selection of project proposals;

• Compliance with the Strategy of Cultural Development of the City of Novi Sad for the period 2016–2026;


• Innovative and original approach;

• Quality of project activities and their compliance with project objectives;

• Involvement of less represented and marginalized social groups.


• Organizational and professional capacities of the proposers for project implementation;

• Competence of the project implementer, i.e. references of the main artists/performers and/or the author team;

• Programme feasibility.



Incomplete and incomprehensible applications, applications that are not filled in the prescribed forms, as well as unsigned applications will not be considered.

Untimely and inadmissible applications (applications submitted in a manner contrary to the provisions of this call) will be rejected.

The jury will evaluate and make a final ranking list on timely, complete and allowed applications, based on the established criteria. Applications will be evaluated with a score from 0 to 100 points.

The decision on the selection of the beneficiary will be made no later than 30 days from the closing of the call.

The results of the public call will be published on the official website of the Foundation (

The decision is final.

Additional information:

For all additional questions regarding the application procedure for the public call, you can contact us by sending an email to the address:, no later than 15 June, 2021. Questions asked after the deadline will not be answered.

Project proposal – Form 1

Memorandum of Understanding – Form 2