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Public Calls for the Programme in the Tittle Year Ended

Public Calls for the programme in the title year, which the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation launched in December 2020, ended on Friday, 12 February, at 4 p.m., which was the application deadline.

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Main criteria for selection and evaluation of project proposals were the following: Evaluation of formal terms, relevance and quality of a programme, organisational and professional capacities of project proponent, visibility and impact of a project.

Selection jury will give their assessment and make a ranking related to timely and complete applications, based on the established criteria. Applications will be graded from 0 to 100 points. Top-ranked applications will be supported in accordance with defined fund award criteria, until all funds are depleted.

Decision on selection of user of funds will be made no later than 60 days after the call is closed.

The results of the call will be published on the official website of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation.

Public Calls were launched in order to co-finance the projects within the individual programme arches (Danube Sea and Fortress of Piece; Migrations and Heroines; Kaleidoscope of Culture and Second Europe; Doček and the Future of Europe), with the aim to enrich the official programme in the title year.

The calls comprised different fields of art: literature, music, fine art, applied and visual arts, design, fine-art photography and architecture, theatre, artistic dance,

manifestations related to film and other audio-visual arts, digital and multimedia arts, other performances of cultural programmes and contents, contemporary interpretation, animation and presentation of cultural and natural heritage, scientific research, and educational activities in the field of culture and creative industries.

The projects that are being submitted to calls shall be public, cultural and artistic programmes, which are in accordance with the programme concept and ‘4 New Bridges’ artistic vision that have been developed by the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation.


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