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Thirty Projects of Local Artists for This Year’s Kaleidoscope of Culture Chosen

30 projects were selected at the call that was intended for Novi Sad artists to participate in this year’s Kaleidoscope of Culture.

Since the Kaleidoscope of Culture represents a culture of community through five weeks and five types of art (performing, visual, applied, literature and architecture), the projects selected include performing, fine arts, audio-visual and digital creation, multimedia, musical, circus, street art and the like.

List of approved projects in the Public call for support of local artists in 2021


Number Component of the call Applicant Name of the project
1. Component 1 Dragana Kuzmanović Novi Sad Tango Quintet – homage to Astor Piazzolla
2. Component 1 Vojana Obradović Priče iz duše III
3. Component 2 Sara Masnikosa Outside, such a lonely place
4. Component 1 Ljubica Denković Night Motions
5. Component 1 Dragana Kojičić Stanica od / do zemlje
6. Component 1 Vitomirka Trebovac Dani punog meseca
7. Component 1 Marina Milanović Radna sveska
8. Component 1 Aleksandra Čavić Novi Sad kroz ples
9. Component 1 Dimitrije Beljanski Alice in Wonderland immersive play
10. Component 1 Ana Javoran stasis: to visit
11. Component 1 Milica Sekulić Savremeni izazovi i tradicionalna znanja konzervacije i restauracije
12. Component 1 Neda Nosović Život Margite Stefanović
13. Component 1 Gojko Dutina Pustinjsko polarni voz
14. Component 1 Željko Grulović Muzej budućnosti
15. Component 2 Jelena Gajinović Lost landscape
16. Component 1 Darija Dragojlović Homogeno u nehomogenom
17. Component 1 Arpad Fešiš Novosadski ulični svirači
18. Component 1 Milan Tripković Urbani simboli i signali: paralelni svetovi Novog Sada
19. Component 1 Aleksa Vujović Galerija Mimova
20. Component 1 Milan Stojanović Muzičko putovanje kroz stilske epohe
21. Component 1 Atila Kapitanj Udarna vest – predstava
22. Component 1 Goran Erić Klatno
23. Component 1 Helena Mak Razmena knjiga pod vedrim nebom
24. Component 1 Filip Markovinović Prašina
25. Component 1 Mirjana Raić Tepić Rawđenice
26. Component 1 Marko Čurčić Koncert grupe Dabiška
27. Component 1 Marko Kaćanski Premiere of the film made within the Kizuna project and a multimedia concert of the Bruke band
28. Component 1 Žarko Sebić Interactive music workshops for children
29. Component 1 Jovan Adamov Children’s digital music world
30. Component 1 Miloš Zubac Yesterday’s world – presentation of the poetry-music edition through concert

The call, which lasted from 7 June to 5 July, was launched by the ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation in the spirit of activating all relevant actors on the cultural scene, and iconic city spaces, cultural stations and new places, and putting them in the service of culture and art within the fourth Kaleidoscope of Culture planned from 2 September to 8 October.

The amount of RSD 12.5 million has been allocated for public calls and invitations within the upcoming Kaleidoscope of Culture. The calls will be implemented in cooperation with renowned partners, such as the prestigious world institution for development and experiment in the field of transmedia art and new art media, Ars Electronica, art gallery in the Austrian St. Pölten (Landhausgalerie Ausstellungsbrücke), Association of Novi Sad Architects, with the support of the Austrian Cultural Forum and the Centre for the Promotion of Science.

Therefore, a special segment of this call was the application of artists to participate in the exhibition that the ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation will implement in the aforementioned art gallery in the Austrian St. Pölten in cooperation with the Provincial Government of Lower Austria. The projects of two Novi Sad artists Sara Masnikosa – Outside, such as a lonely place and Jelena Gajinović – Lost landscape, were selected for the exhibition. At the same time, as a product of that cooperation, Austrian artists will exhibit in Novi Sad as part of the Kaleidoscope of Culture. Let us remind you that the winner of the call implemented with Ars Electronica is the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, while the deadline for the ‘New Places’ call is extended. The call is being implemented by the Foundation together with the Association of Architects of Novi Sad and the City Administration for Construction Land and Investments, therefore it will be open until 24 August 24 2021. You can find more information our website, in the Public calls section.

Decision on the allocation of funds under the Public call for support of local artists in 2021. Kaleidoscope of Culture


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