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Grand Opening of the Kaleidoscope of Culture at Korzo – Temporary Traffic Changes in the City Centre

The seventh Kaleidoscope of Culture begins on Thursday, 5 September, with a grand ceremony at Korzo at 8:30 p.m., featuring a performance by Lana Zorjan, this year’s laureate of the prestigious International Classical Music Award – Discovery Award. She will be accompanied by conductor, composer, and pianist Maximilian Haberstock, a young artist on the rise, and the Vojvodina Symphony Orchestra.

At this year’s opening ceremony, the premiere of the composition ‘Symphonic Poem Nikola Tesla – Praskozorje’ by Stevan Divjaković, a recipient of the February Award, along with works by some of the greatest composers of all time, Ludwig van Beethoven and Henryk Wieniawski, will be performed.

Admission to the concert is free, but seating is limited. We remind media representatives that accreditation for Korzo can be obtained until 3 p.m. today.

Temporary Traffic Changes

For the safe setup and organisation of the event, a temporary traffic ban will be in place on Mihajla Pupina Boulevard, from Žarko Zrenjanin Street to the intersection with Pionirska and Jovan Đorđević Streets. There will also be a ban on parking and traffic on the service road on Mihajla Pupina Boulevard from Pionirska Street towards Ignjata Pavlasa Street. These temporary traffic changes will be in effect from 7 a.m. on 3 September 2024 until 6 p.m. on 7 September 2024.

These changes will also affect the routes of certain bus lines, including numbers 3, 3a, 6, 9, 9a, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, and 69.

After the Ceremony at Korzo, the Applied Arts Week

Following the grand ceremony, the first week of the Kaleidoscope of Culture, dedicated to applied arts, begins on 6 September in the District with a lecture and workshop by internationally renowned artist Andrew Melchior, who has collaborated with Björk, David Bowie, and Massive Attack. Admission to Andrew Melchior’s lecture and workshop is free, but registration is required. Additionally, Andrew Jose, a supreme artist in the global hairdressing industry, will present two performances – ‘Inside Out’ on 6 September and ‘Modern Tribes“’ on 7 September.

The same weekend, starting from 7 p.m., visitors in the District can look forward to exhibitions such as ‘The World of Pavel Surovy: Mira Brtka,’ ‘Pearl Tiaras KEY by J. Nikadimus – Jewellery Embroidery Using the Old Masters Techniques,’ „The Object of Nostalgia,’ ‘Drawing as Thought,’ ‘The Warehouse of Memories,’ ‘(In)finite Production’ by Studio 61, ‘Smic. Moving Form – Body Relations,’ as well as the fashion show and exhibition ‘Our Own, Similar, Ecological.’ There will also be a vintage car exhibition and the Open-Air Gallery. Visitors can participate in weaving, pottery, and graphic art workshops, along with many other programmes.

The music programme is also well-represented, with six concerts planned during the Applied Arts Week. Performers include Nipplepeople, Bas i Stega, Skier and Yeti, Šlagvort, Dram, and Szilárd Mezei Ring Consort with guest artists Nicola Guazzaloca and Csaba Nagy.

Admission to the District during the Applied Arts Week will only be possible from Despota Stefana Boulevard 5, near the Fabrika facility.

A Month of Kaleidoscope of Culture in the District and Nework of Cultural Stations

During the Kaleidoscope of Culture, which runs until 5 October, more than 500 artists, including some of the world’s most prominent names, giants of Serbian culture, and emerging talents, will showcase the best of five types of art – performing, visual, applied, architecture, and literature – over five weeks. Admission to all Kaleidoscope of Culture events is free.

Partners of the Kaleidoscope of Culture are Erste Bank and Neoplanta.

For more information about this year’s Kaleidoscope of Culture, please visit the website


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Vreme i vaseljena – izložba o vremenu

Time and Universe – Exhibition About Time

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Jimi Tenor

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Time and Universe – Exhibition About Time

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