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May in Novi Sad: Events Not To Miss This Month

May in Novi Sad brings us a variety of exciting events, from cultural and sports events to art festivals. Therefore, we invite you to explore the city the Novi Sad way – on foot or by bike, and enjoy the increasingly beautiful spring days ahead. Experience art, and in order to stay up to date with all the happenings, follow regularly our calendar on the website.

Current Exhibitions

Let the spring walk along the paths of culture take you to the current exhibitions that will complete May in Novi Sad:

Spirit of Place – A Century of the District / Fabrika 2, District / permanent exhibition, Wednesday – Sunday, from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m.

Mileva: We Are One Rock / City Museum of Novi Sad, Petrovaradin Fortress / every day except Monday, from 9 p.m. until 5 p.m.

Inspired by France / Gallery of Matica Srpska / until 26 May

Savka Subotić: Majka Svog Roda / windows of the City Library in Novi Sad at 1 Dunavska Street / until 1 June.

Đorđe Marković: Collector’s Apartment / Galerija na Štrafti / until 31 May

Female Names of Novi Sad / exhibition space of ​​the Tourist Organization of Novi Sad / until 19 May

Linija / Bel Art Ggallery / until 16 May

Legacy of the Forgotten, Milan Ćirlić / CS Barka / until 10 May

Narratives of Africa / CS Svilara / until 6 May

In the Theatre

May in Novi Sad brings us an exciting theatre repertoire, and two big festivals await us at the Serbian National Theatre and the Youth Theatre.

REPERTOIRE of the Serbian National Theatre

REPERTOIRE of the Novi Sad Theatre

REPERTOIRE of the Youth Theatre

Sterijino Pozorje, without which we cannot imagine May in Novi Sad, was established in 1956 as part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth and 100th anniversary of the death of the great Serbian comedian Jovan Sterija Popović. In anticipation of the 69th festival in a row, which will be held from 26 May to 3 June, we invite you to read the history of Sterijino Pozorje.

The Youth Theatre will be part of the Novi Sad Theatre Festival, an international theatre festival of professional theatres for children and youth that will take place from 8 to 15 May. You can find all the performances of the Youth Theatre that will take place within the mentioned festival on our website calendar.

In addition to the regular theatre repertoire, May in Novi Sad also brings us numerous performances in the NIS ceremonial hall, the City Concert Hall, Spens and other locations, so we remind you once again to follow regularly the calendar of events on our website.

Music programme in May

May in Novi Sad does not pass without great concerts at different locations:

LUTKE NA KONCU/ 3 May / 10 p.m. / Gerila Bar / TICKETS are available in Gerila, at a price of RSD 600 in pre-sale.

WOLFHEART / 11 May / 8 p.m. / SCCNS Fabrika, District / TICKETS

NEGATIVE / 16 May / 10 p.m. / Dom Kulture / TICKETS

KALIOPI / 20 May / 8 p.m. / Dom Kulture / TICKETS

GOLDEN TINA / 23 May / 9 p.m. / Dom Kulture / TICKETS

VOODOO POPEYE / 24 May / 9 p.m. / Dom Kulture / TICKETS

GUILTY PLEASURE: ALL STARS/ 25 May / 9 p.m. / Dom Kulture / TICKETS

VAN GOGH/ 31 May / 10 p.m. / Dom Kulture / TICKETS

Programme in the District

In addition to the aforementioned permanent exhibition on the history of the District and concerts at SCCNS Fabrika, the Novi Sad cultural quarter offers more interesting events, so we invite you once again to visit it. The Union of Collective Art Practice (SKUP) opened its doors in the premises of Atelje 61in the District to the public, and every week a rich programme awaits you. We suggest you follow the Visit District website, where we regularly publish an overview of weekly events.

Cubanero Salsa Festival

Allow yourself to surrender to the charms of Cuban music and dancing in a dizzying rhythm at Cubanero Salsa Festival – the largest and most recognizable salsa festival in this part of Europe. With a rich selection of dance and music content, workshops, concerts and performances at several locations in the city, you will have the opportunity to learn the basics of salsa from the best lecturers at free open workshops. For more information, visit the official Facebook page of the festival.

May in Novi Sad for the Youngest

Weekends in Novi Sad start at the Bulevar Books bookstore, where the youngest audience can enjoy the Readings (Čitanjac), which starts at 11 a.m. every Saturday, while at the same time creative workshops   for children aged 5-10 years are held in the Gallery of Matica Srpska.  On Sundays, visit Zenit children’s club at the Zenit Books café-bookstore and take the opportunity to enjoy your favourite coffee while your little ones enjoy fun activities from 11 a.m.

Zenit knjižara

Novi Sad Bazaars

The Night Bazaar event awaits us this month as well, when the Fish Market will once again turn into a real oasis of creativity, cuisine, and good music. Don’t miss this event on 2 May from 6 p.m. at the famous Novi Sad market, which will last until midnight. In addition to homemade food, deli, wine, beer and other local products of entrepreneurs from Novi Sad and its surroundings, we will have the opportunity to buy unique handicrafts. In addition to this bazaar, we are also expecting Fenseraj Ukusa at Detelinara Market on 11 May from 6 p.m., as well as the START UP Night Bazaar on 17 May from 6 p.m. at the Fish Market.

Tour de Fruška

If you are in the mood for a dose of adrenaline adventure, join the unique three-day event Tour de Fruška that will take place in Vrdnik on Fruška Gora from 24 to 26 May. Along with MTB races, children’s races and road rides, the event also offers trail running, which you can try if you are physically fit. Tour de Fruška provides an ideal opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities, compete and explore the tourist potential of the region. Register through the official website on the link  and learn more about the event.

Author: Marina Marić

Photo: Jelena Ivanović, Vladimir Veličković


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