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Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture Project Wins Melina Mercouri Prize

After receiving the European Trend Brand of the Year 2021 award at the European Cultural Brand Awards, Novi Sad is to get another prize – ‘Melina Mercouri’, a €1.5M award made by the European Commission.

The recommendation was made by the panel after the third and final monitoring meeting which took place on 29 October.

‘The panel noted that the programme and its European dimension are very strong, and that the team clearly comprehends the ECoC concept’ states a report by European Commission experts, adding: ’The panel was especially pleased to learn about the high amount of international cooperation in the programme and the great efforts for audience development.’ advising that the ongoing processes of creating permanent legacies remain in Novi Sad after the title year, as well recommending utilizing the potential of the ECoC year operating as a bridge between artists and people.

With the ‘Melina Mercouri Prize’ and the Award for the European Trend Brand of the Year, Novi Sad has become the only European Capital of Culture with two prestigious European awards before the title year. Through the positive evaluations of three different juries of European experts, Novi Sad has confirmed its quality in the past five years in involving the local scene and citizens, development and interconnection of cultural and non-institutional institutions, decentralization of culture, raising production and programme capacities and opening and renewing of new spaces.

Thanks to that and in addition to programme legacies of the European reputation – Doček and Kaleidoscope of Culture, there are five renovated cultural centres: the Suburbium of Petrovaradin Fortress, Almaš neighbourhood, the city centre with Theatre Square, Creative District in Great Liman and network of cultural stations throughout the city that will remain in Novi Sad after 2022.

The ‘Melina Mercouri Prize’, named after the former Greek Minister of Culture and famous actress, who is considered the most deserving for starting the ECoC project, will arrive in Novi Sad after the final approval by European Comission.

You can read the full report on the European Commission’s website.

Photo: Vladimir Veličković, Jelena Ivanović

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