We are discovering different, alternative, marginalised, minority, and rebellious expressions by reassessing dominant values in European culture and art.
Some of the main programmes bring inclusive events with the focus on creative work by marginalised groups (Superpowerful), present new forms of comic books (The Comic Book City) and introduce rich alternative, minority, avant-garde genres, languages and terms.
Some of the currently announced names and programmes for the Other? Europe programme arch is the Typhlological Museum from Zagreb – one of the few museums in Europe that deals with accessibility, the Viennese Kunsthistorisches Museum – one of the most famous museums in the world, British percussionist with hearing impairment Evelyn Glennie – two-time Grammy winner in classical music and the Polar Music Prize winner, also called the ‘Nobel Prize for Music’, the famous German conceptual artist Frank Uwe Laysiepen – remembered as one of the pioneers of performance, body art and Polaroid photography, and is known for his long-term private and business relationship with Marina Abramović and Dutch director Michael Helmerhorst, who will direct a play about a famous comic book heroine Cat Claw by Bane Kerac.
You can check out the programme book of the Other? Europe arch here, and the calendar of all events is available here.
Equality in creating cultural content is encouraged through inclusion and accessibility, with emphasis on works by marginalised groups.
Novi Sad is becoming the centre of the ninth art, gathering some of the most significant comics artists, playing with this form of art and presenting its new models.
Revealing the richness of different avant-garde, minority and alternative expressions, genres and languages.