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September in Novi Sad: Events Not to Miss This Month

September in Novi Sad brings us the start of the Kaleidoscope of Culture, one of the most important cultural events in this part of Europe, which will enrich the city with various artistic programmes in the renovated District and cultural stations. It is being held for the seventh time, from 5 September to 5 October, and it will showcase five different types of art.

In addition to the great programme of the Kaleidoscope of Culture, Novi Sad offers many other artistic events this month that are worth attending. Prepare for another unforgettable month and regularly check our calendar on the website for the latest information and events.

Kaleidoscope of Culture

The Kaleidoscope of Culture is one of the most significant art gatherings in this part of Europe, and for the seventh year in a row, it will present the greatest global artistic names, giants of Serbian culture, and emerging young creators in the most important spatial legacies of the European Capital of Culture – the District and the Network of Cultural Stations. This year’s Kaleidoscope of Culture programme is based on the topic of identity, embodied by the artistic message Our Own. Over five weeks, numerous global and local artists will celebrate five types of art this year as well.

The seventh Kaleidoscope of Culture will begin with a grand opening at Korzo on 5 September, featuring classical music star Lana Zorjan, accompanied by the Vojvodina Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Maximilian Haberstock. This well-known location in the city will turn into a true stage, allowing supreme classical music to reach all those present. Following the grand opening, the Kaleidoscope of Culture brings us programmes in the week of applied arts, literature, performing arts, architecture, and, finally, visual arts. You can find more information about the programme on the official website.

  • Grand Opening / Korzo / 5 September / PROGRAMME
  • Applied Arts / District / 6-7 September / PROGRAMME
  • Literature / District / 13-14 September / PROGRAMME
  • Performing Arts / District / 20-21 September / PROGRAMME
  • Architecture / District /  27-28 September / PROGRAMME
  • Visual Arts / District / 4-5 October / PROGRAMME

Current Exhibitions

Let the cultural paths lead you to the current exhibitions that will complete September in Novi Sad:

Music Programme

In the Theatre

September in Novi Sad brings an exciting new theatre season, along with many new performances on the stages of the oldest theater in Serbia – the Serbian National Theatre, as well as the Youth Theatre and the Novi Sad Theatre (Újvidéki Színház). Follow our calendar on the official website and don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the rich repertoire of these theatres.

We also highlight a few more stand-up performances and theatre plays at other venues throughout September:

Film Festival that opens new horizons

Film enthusiasts, get ready for an exciting film adventure! The Novi Sad Film Festival will be held from 18 to 22 September at various locations in the city centre. The international festival brings a wealth of film achievements and provides an opportunity to enjoy current films as well as participate in panel discussions with directors and filmmakers. Don’t miss the chance to immerse yourself in the unique world of cinema and explore the diverse content the festival offers. You can find more information about the programme and locations can be found on the official festival website.

Gastro Delights in September

This September, don’t miss the Night Bazaar at Fish Market, held on the first Friday of the month from 6 p.m. The event brings together small producers from Novi Sad and the surrounding area, offering authentic local flavors and creative crafts. The next day, 7 September, Novi Sad residents will also enjoy the Fenseraj Ukusa at Detelinara Market, which starts at 6 p.m., offering another opportunity to experience the charms of gastronomy and good times. Of course, another traditional festival of Vojvodina specialties that takes place every September – Ukusi Vojvodine – will gather true gourmands on 14 and 15 September in Limanski Park. Take a stroll through this park between noon and 8 p.m. and indulge in enchanting aromas and flavors.

Tanz Platz

The International Contemporary Dance Festival Tanz Platz will take place from 14 to 20 September at SCCNS, located at 5 Vladimira Perića Valtera Street. This is the eighth edition of the festival, implemented by the Student Cultural Centre of Novi Sad, with the aim of presenting young stakeholders on the European dance scene and trends in contemporary dance.



Tamburica Fest

In the heart of Novi Sad, from 12 to 15 September, Liberty Square will turn into the epicentre of tamburica music at the Tamburica Fest. The event celebrates the rich tradition of tamburica music and highlights the tamburica as a unique instrument through various performances by orchestras from the country and abroad. During the festival, orchestras will compete for the title of the best, while vocal soloists from different parts of the world will participate in the selection of the best original song. In addition to the competition, visitors will enjoy vibrant parades of cultural and artistic societies and folklore ensembles, which will further enrich the atmosphere. Get ready to dive into the magical world of tamburica music and enjoy the unforgettable experience offered by Tamburica Fest. You can find more information about this unique event on the official organizer’s website.

Author: Marina Marić


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