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What is the X factor of the Kaleidoscope of Culture?

Kaleidoscope of Culture is a unique cultural programme in Europe. As the most significant art festival in the region, it has established itself among audiences and on the European cultural map with the most prestigious accolades. What sets it apart from others is its authentic programme concept: 4/5 – the Kaleidoscope of Culture encompasses four key aspects through five forms of art.

Over the course of one month each year, it showcases:

  1. Global stars
  2. Giants of Serbian culture
  3. Emerging artists
  4. Local and national scenes

Across five forms of art:

  1. Applied arts
  2. Literature
  3. Performing arts
  4. Architecture
  5. Visual arts

Alejandro Aravena, one of the world’s most renowned architects, performers such as Apocalyptica, Republica, Peter Bence, Julian Rachlin, Grammy award winners Dobet Gnahoré and Jason Miles are just a few of the global stars who have participated in the Kaleidoscope of Culture programme.

It has showcased some of the most significant artworks of Serbian culture: paintings by Šumanović, Lubarda, Barili, Konjović, giants such as Stefan Milenković, Boris Kovač, LP duo, legendary actors Petar Božović, Voja Brajović, Zijah Sokolović, numerous writers, and winners of the NIN Award such as Svetislav Basara, Ivana Dimić, Danica Vukićević, among others.

Young artists, as well as the local and national scenes, have had the opportunity to present their work to the Novi Sad audience for the first time through the annual national competitions of the Kaleidoscope of Culture, encompassing all forms of art.

An additional X factor of the Kaleidoscope of Culture is its new media aspect. In 2023, Novi Sad received the UNESCO award in the field of digital media, becoming the first city in this part of Europe to receive such an important accolade.

The Kaleidoscope of Culture has nurtured this aspect over the years through its programme and event production, and it has played an indelible role in this recognition: as early as 2018, the opening of the Kaleidoscope of Culture was marked by unique new media projections. Subsequently, Novi Sad hosted a spectacular open-air performance of Rigoletto accompanied by unprecedented mapping, hosted Ars Electronica from Linz, the widely known CGA conference, the art collective Plastique Fantastique, digital artists from Sankt Pölten, and presented original new media exhibitions produced in-house, such as The Spirit of the Place – The First Century of the District.

In its seventh edition, the Kaleidoscope of Culture will showcase everything that makes it one of the most important art festivals in this part of Europe.

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