
The European Capital of Culture Has Launched an Open Call for Artists from All Over Serbia

Strengthening the art scene through the contribution of visibility of young and non-established artists and themes is the main goal of the ‘Artists. Now’ open call, launched by the ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation, which for the first time includes artists from all over Serbia.

With the idea to raise the capacity of the art scene and encourage it to network and connect with artists and art groups from the country, Europe, and the rest of the world, this open call to support artists in 2022 refers to projects that will be selected and implemented within the Kaleidoscope of Culture programme arch, from 1 September to 7 October 2022.

The Kaleidoscope of Culture is one of the two programme arches of the European Capital of Culture, due to which, alongside Doček, Novi Sad received the award for the best European Trend Brand in the area of culture, in November 2021, in Dresden. These are also the only two programme arches, out of eight, which have been realised for five years and aspire to remain a legacy to the city even after the title year.

As the Kaleidoscope of Culture is a year-round project that nourishes the culture of togetherness and connects artists, cultural institutions, NGOs, citizens, and visitors through various processes, it also includes various types of art, divided over the course of five weeks. Therefore, the public competition will support projects in the field of performing, fine, visual, and applied arts, design and architecture, audio-visual, and digital creation, multimedia, literature, street art and others.

The open call is intended for artists, students, and cultural workers under the age of 35 with (permanent) residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, who will present their works or programmes in the network of cultural stations, Creative District and ‘New Places’ – small, urban, and public spaces in Novi Sad.

The deadline to apply to the open call is 24 June 2022, 3 p.m.

You can find more information about the open call, the required documentation, and the method of applying in the text of the open call.

The ‘Artists. Now’ project was launched by the ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation two years ago, as a form of support for the local art scene due to the consequences that the coronavirus pandemic had on it.

IDEA has been providing support to ‘Artists. Now!’ from the beginning.