2nd International Danube Conference on Culture

дунавска конференцијаThe Cultural Centre of Novi Sad and European Danube Academy, with the support of the City of Novi Sad and Government of Baden-Württemberg, in accordance with the decisions made in Ulm, at the 1st International Danube Conference on Culture, and in Bucharest, at the 2nd Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, organised the 2nd International Danube Conference on Culture under the motto ‘Danube – Cultural Stream of Europe’, held on 5 and 6 May 2014.

Danube Region possesses diversity of culture unique even for Europe. Promoting culture and cultural cooperation is crucial for contribution to the EU strategy for this region. The goal of the conference was to offer a platform on which people could exchange experiences from practical local work in culture and discuss about current cultural politics.

The conference in Novi Sad is continuation of cultural dialogue, networking and exchange that began last year in Ulm.

The following workshops were presented:
prezentacija BBNS2

  1. European Capitals of Culture – Experiences and Future Prospects
  2. Danube Related Events and Networks – Contributions to the Danube Identity?

For more information about the conference and participants, as well as photo and video gallery, visit the following link: http://danubeconf.kcns.org.rs/.

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