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“For New Bridges” on EXIT

During the EXIT Festival daily newspaper “Danas” in co-operation with SKCNS Fabrika organized a series of public debates entitled „Magic of Dialogue“. In this way, EXIT has once again shown that it is not only one of the best music festivals in Europe, but also an event that has a very important social character.

In this sphere of action EXIT has found a great partner in “Danas” who has a reputation for objective, civil oriented daily newspaper which gained it back in the 90s of the last century, which were marked by civil unrest and wars, refugees, brain drain, intolerance, isolation ….

“Danas” along with the EXIT Festival, where 195,000 people from 60 countries of the world saw a new visual identity, provided a significant support to the project „Novi Sad 2021“ with which the City of Novi Sad competes for the prestigious title of European Capital of Culture 2021. The program concept of the „Novi Sad 2021“ consists of four areas symbolically called „bridges“: Freedom, which is focused on the creative industries and youth, then Hope, facing cultural capacities and public spaces, New, with an emphasis on cultural heritage and hospitality and the fourth Rainbow, covering issues of conflict and migration.


The first panel discussion „Magic of Dialogue“, called “Silent majority of the Balkans“ held on the first night of EXIT, was inspired by an open letter to artists and cultural workers who were invited for solidarity and pointed to the rise of intolerance and hatred among people, which is very reminiscent of what happened to us in the nineties. Not only during that discussion, but as well as during all four evenings of „Magic of Dialogue“ the most prominent journalists and editors of Serbian weekly newspaper, as well as actors, directors, musicians from the area of former warring parties spoke in front of EXIT visitors.

Through implementation of Novi Sad 2021 program concept and the synergy with the EXIT Festival, Novi Sad shows tremendous potential and strength to promote culture and European values not only from the city but also the entire country and the region. The culmination of those resources and values would reach the peak by obtaining the title of European Capital of Culture 2021


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