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Youth Creative Polis – First Decisions of the Committee for Development

Following the first session of the Committee for development of the Youth Creative Polis, the series of initial decisions and conclusions were made. They were adopted by the Working Group for Capital and Infrastructure Projects.

The Committee, formed by the Decision of the Managing Board of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, is a result of public debates of expert and general public, whose five points for development of the future Youth Creative Polis were supported by Mr Miloš Vučević, Mayor of Novi Sad and confirmed this year on 12 September.

The Committee for development of the Youth Creative Polis, which comprises: representatives of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation and OPENS, representative of art production, representative of craftsmen from the so-called ‘Chinese Quarter’, as well as representatives of the City Administration for Culture, City Administration for Building Land and Investments, City Administration for Public Services and Utilities, and City Administration for Urban Planning and Construction Works, adopted the following conclusions:

  1. Based on the review of land registries in the Cadastre and Historical Archives of the City of Novi Sad, it was confirmed there is no ground nor requests for restitutions on plots planned for reconstruction and constructions of the Youth Creative Polis.
  2. Works on public services and utilities, which do not exist, are about to start (according to the attached schematic). The City Administration for Building Land and Investments signed a contract for drafting plans for waterworks, sewer and accompanying objects (pumping stations), as well as contracts for street lights and landscaping with the most favourable contractors, while the City Administration for Property conducted the procedure for public procurement of works for adapting the future YCP. Based on everything mentioned above, it is expected that the work on adaptation will initiate in early 2018.
  3. The Committee for the YCP has given guidelines on appointing coordinator for planning and implementation of works in order to synchronise the works of all PE and PUE in the best possible way. The Working Group for Capital and Infrastructure Projects has agreed with this proposal and made the decision on appointing a member who will be delegated by the City Administration for Building Land and Investments.
  4. The first criteria for tenants who are involved in crafts have been laid down. According to these criteria, the eligible tenants are all those (despite the fact that their lease contracts have been expired) who have timely settled their obligations to the City Administration for Property. The Committee also discussed the legal frame that will be proposed as a solution for providing new space for all craftsmen who are being temporarily or permanently relocated from the zone intended for reconstruction, based on their needs.
  5. It was discovered that there are several cases of persons who lack housing, which is why the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation addressed to the Centre for Social Work in order to properly accommodate them. Taking into consideration the weather and hard living conditions, the Centre has found adequate solution for our fellow citizens.

The role of the newly-formed Committee is primarily to give guidelines and propose measures for improvement and monitoring of the implementation of the Youth Creative Polis project. In addition to this, the Committee needs to define how these projects will be managed, to support cooperation of all participants in the implementation of the project, to launch initiatives and other activities in order to improve cooperation between competent authorities, institutions, organisations and the implementation itself. The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation in this way continues to improve the culture of dialogue, symbolising the bridge that overcomes obstacles.


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