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Prime Minister of the Government, Ms Ana Brnabić, Opened the Svilara Cultural Station

Ms Ana Brnabić, Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, opened the new cultural station ‘Svilara’ and attended the presentation of the project of building the ‘Kineska’ cultural district, implemented within the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ project.

Mr Igor Mirović, President of the Provincial Government, Mr Miloš Vučević, Mayor of Novi Sad and Mr Nemanja Milenković, CEO of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation attended the opening and presentation together with Prime Minister of the Government.

During the gala opening, Prime Minister of the Government stressed that ‘Svilara’ is an excellent example of good cooperation between the private and public sectors. We created the space such as Svilara through the close dialogue with the private sector. Svilara will be the self-sustainable concept available to citizens of Novi Sad, especially young artists and students, in order to exchange ideas with colleagues, develop creativity and present their creative work to the public in future. We would like to encourage the opening of such centres in all cities in Serbia, because this is the image of Serbia we would like to project for the world. Creative people and innovators are our biggest export potential, they are our developing opportunity for the 21st century’, stressed Ms Brnabić.

Mr Nemanja Milenković, CEO of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, said that the Svilara cultural station presents the continuation of the vision of the ‘People, Processes, Programmes and Spaces – The beginning of new. Now!’ project and that this is one of the projects of restoration of cultural heritage in the European Year of Cultural Heritage. ‘We believe that we will have six cultural stations that will have the function of the internationalisation of scene, strengthening local creativity and decentralisation of culture.’

The future creative polis ‘Kineska’ will be built at the place of one of the oldest industrial areas in Novi Sad, which dates from 1922. This facility, which did not have any purpose for years, will be revitalised and turned into a unique cultural-creative centre in the following period. ‘Kineska’ will consist of several buildings where ateliers, concert and exhibition venues, lodging for participants of the residential programme, workshops for old crafts and other cultural contents will be placed. Having in mind that this space is placed at the very bank of the Danube river, near the famous Štrand city beach and University of Novi Sad, Kineska is expected to contribute to further tourist and cultural development of Novi Sad and this part of Serbia.

Prime Minister of the Government said that the ‘Kineska’ creative district and ‘Svilara’ cultural station are the examples of new platform of good practice of revitalisation of devastated industrial areas using creative industries. Similar projects are in accordance with the goals of the ‘Serbia Creates’ platform, created by the Committee for Creative Industries, chaired by Prime Minister. ‘With digitalisation and education, creative industries are one of my priorities. We create new values and new chances for artists, entrepreneurs and innovators in Serbia. We give the opportunity for development of creativity and innovation among young people and strategically help creative industries in our country to develop,’ said Ms Brnabić.

Creative industries hire more than 100 thousand people between 25 and 45 years and are one of the fastest-growing branch of economy in our country. Committee for Creative Industries, chaired by Prime Minister Brnabić, was founded with the aim to support the further development of the sector, having in mind the needs, goals and possibilities for improvement of activities within the creative sector.

Commemorating the gala opening of ‘Svilara’, the ‘14/24 Svilara’ exhibition, organised by Ms Gala Csaky, world famous artist of young generation, was opened. She gathered works of 14 famous painters from around the world, who will present themselves to the audience and exchange experience and possibilities for cooperation with our young artists. Besides the ‘14/24 in Svilara, the audience will have a chance to see installations of Austrian artist Gerhard Flekatsch, who explores silk in different ways, by putting it in the context of the former factory for silk dyeing.

Kонцептуално, Свилара ће имати 4 различита простора за рад – друштвени центар и кафе намењен локалним невладиним организацијама и едукативним активностима, концертну салу за различите музичко-сценске програме, студио за снимање и велики радни простор за предузетнике, појединце и организације.



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