C.A.T. Conference in the Museum of Contemporary Art

The first C.A.T. (culture, activism, theory) conference, supported and co-financed by the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, was held in the Museum of Contemporary Art on 22 and 23 November 2017. The conference was dedicated to the topic ‘Art in education: interactions’. Organisers of this conference are the members of the ‘(Re)connection’, union of feminist organisations. The task of the conference was to address the issue of the role of art and interaction in education, both institutional and informal. The participants of the C.A.T. conference come from all walks of life, pedagogues, theoreticians, but in any case activists from Serbia and the region. Here are just some of them: Katalin Ladik, Nina Živančević, Maja Solar, Branka Parlić, and Branka Miličić Barbul. In addition to lectures and exposes, programme of the conference included workshops with primary and secondary school students, organised by the Children Cultural Centre, ‘Svetozar Miletić’ Grammar School, and Gallery of Matica Srpska. In addition to workshops, audience could attend book promotions, exhibitions of art works, publications, photo, video and music media of the conference participants.

One of the goals of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation is to support all forms of free artistic, collective and individual expression, which are focused on improving interculturality, encouraging diversity and tolerance.

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