
First ‘Heritage Walks’ Start in Sremski Karlovci

‘Do You Remember that Courtyard’ is the name of the ‘Eco Flame’ association project, which will be the one to commence the implementation of the idea supported through the ‘Heritage Walks’ call on Thursday, 4 April.  The first ‘Walk’ is intended for pupils of the ‘23. Oktobar’ Primary School from Sremski Karlovci. Right from the school address (Preradovićeva Street no. 1) at noon, the executers of the project will start the walk with the pupils and all the interested citizens towards the Courtyard that represents one of the most important green oases in that municipality.

All who come will get a different, interesting view of the heritage of Sremski Karlovci from the perspective of horticulture and plant wealth of the Courtyard.
It is planned to present the history of the park and plans for restoration of the garden, as well as to organise educational games for elementary pupils. By raising the public awareness of the park and its wealth, new horizons and opportunities for future investment in the development of natural monuments are opening up.

This walk, the ‘Eco Flame’ association starts right at the time of the cherry plum blooming, while the next two ‘walks’ will be scheduled at the time of linden and paulownia blooming.

The main objective of the ‘Heritage Walks’ call is to encourage citizens to become involved in preservation of cultural heritage through contemporary ways of interpreting personal memories and experiences.
Within the second phase of the ‘Heritage Walks’ project, from 28 January, when the competition was opened, until 21 February, when it was closed, 32 applications were received, and 11 projects of Novi Sad Associations were selected, which will have the opportunity to tell a story about parts of the city that are especially important as well as to contribute to the discovery of new secrets of our city.


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