
Floating Dìvān – Info-Day of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation on the Topic of Raising Capacities of Cultural Institutions

Department for International Relations of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation organised the info-day called ‘Floating Dìvān’ in the Cultural Centre of Novi Sad on 18 October 2017. The goal was to present international calls for financing cultural projects with examples of good practice in Europe and the Danube Region.

Vuk Radulović, Head of the Department for International Relations of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation gave an introductory speech and presented activities of the Foundation focused on internationalisation of local cultural scene. ‘This “Floating Dìvān’ is an excellent opportunity to present both successful examples from the Danube Region, and international calls for financing cultural projects. This is just another small step in order to raise capacities of the Foundation and the city in order to achieve the common goal – to implement the European Capital of Culture in 2021 in the best possible way’ – said Mr Radulović.

The audience could hear the basic information about the Creative Europe open calls, and possibilities to finance projects in 2018 from Mina Radmilović Pjevac from the ‘Evropski poslovi’ fund of the Government of Vojvodina. Márton Méhes, cultural manager, and Dubravka Lazić, from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, presented the DTP INTERREG platform for cultural projects, and explained the importance of cohesion politics and transnational cooperation. Mr Méhes added that Novi Sad has a potential to become a centre for international cooperation in culture, stressing that 2018 is the year of cultural heritage, which will also be the focus of Novi Sad within the European Capital of Culture project next year.

As an example of good practice in Europe, Mr Paul Gessl, CEO of the NÖKU Holding from Sankt Pölten (Austria) gave a short presentation on the topic ‘Coordination in the Work of Cultural Institutions’, listing key segments of the structure and guidelines for internal coordination of the activities of cultural institutions.

Sophie Deuer, project manager from the ‘EuroVienna’, spoke about raising the capacities and project management in cultural institutions and presented tools for finding sources of financing from EU funds for the countries of the Danube Region.

Through examples of good practices, and by informing cultural stakeholders about new methods and possibilities to apply for EU funds, the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation wishes to offer support to all interested individuals and organisations in achieving cultural and creative ideas, and to contribute to raising capacities of cultural institutions.



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