
The Guide for Accessibility Improvement in Cultural Institutions: Culture Available for Everyone

In order to make cultural content available for everyone, as well as for people with disabilities, children and the young, the ’Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ project created the Guide for Accessibility Improvement in Cultural Institutions, with guidelines and recommendations for achieving standards.

The Guide deals with problems of accessibility, which, as the analysis showed, are often not well understood and whose standards are not fully applied, which is of great importance for public institutions that have daily contact with citizens as their audience.

The Guide, which has both printed and electronic versions, presents guidelines that cultural institutions should follow in order to enable disabled people, children and the elderly easy access, not only in terms of free movement, but also in terms of visual accessibility, publications, content, programmes, internet presentations and other elements.

Experts who worked on the Guide, along with the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, were Mirjana Isakov from the ‘Milan Petrović’ Elementary and Secondary Boarding School, Snežana Nikolić from the Association of the Blind of Vojvodina, Milesa Milinković from the PARNAS Creative and Affirmative Association, and Marija Vrebalov, advisor for accessibility.

Publication and analyses of the Guide are part of the Action plan of the cultural development of the city of Novi Sad for the period from 2019 until 2020. City Administration for Culture, in cooperation with the Team for accessibility,and through cooperation with cultural institutions, will suggest further steps that will be financed through regular financing of the institutions.


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