
Culture on the Move #3

We were at the best music festival in Europe to promote candidacy of Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture. The visitors of the festival had a chance to ride old ‘velocipede’ – the first bike citizens of Novi Sad rode in now distant 1886. Symbolically, this old bicycle marks both the effort to preserve the cultural heritage and the step (or shall we say pedal) we take towards the future and towards the improvement of culture of ourselves and the environment we live in. 

Moreover, we present our portal of cultural events in Novi Sad – KultTura, and invited citizens, and everyone who visited our city, to inform themselves on current events and in this way experience Novi Sad in many different ways.

Taking photos on velocipede was a real attraction, and in this photo collage below you can see much fun people had. There are more photos on our Facebook page.


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