
‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation supports ‘Eufonia’ festival

In the period from 24 May 2018 to 27 May 2018, ‘Eufonija’ the third international festival of the accordion and chamber music is being held, with the support of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation.

Festival programme is very rich and the third day of festival, the concert entitled ‘New Serbian Music for accordion – new views on heritage’ in the Year of European Cultural Heritage will be held in Egység Chateau on 26 May, on the third day of the Festival.

Egység, new cultural station of the European Capital of Culture project will feature ‘Duo Resonance’ from Greece, last year’s winning project of the ‘Eufonia Fest’ in the category of chamber music. The concert in Egység Chateau starts symbolically at 20:21.

‘New Serbian Music for accordion – new views on heritage’ is the project which ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation organises on the ‘Eufonija Fest’ for the third time in cooperation with Sokoj – Serbian Music Authors Organisation.

‘Eufonija Festival’ gathers young talented accordionists, eminent musicians and pedagogues, aims at improving classical art for accordion and contributes to position development of artists at the international level. The festival includes three segments: competition, education (lectures of the eminent people from the world of classical music) and culture (evening concerts).



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