
PLUS Days of Interculturality with Accessible Communication

The PLUS Days of Interculturality, organised by the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, continue with the expert summit on the topic of accessible communication as a contribution to better position of vulnerable social groups organised by the Heror Mediapoint in the ‘Európa Kollégium’ student dorm on 26 October 2017.

Accessible communication is the topic of the expert summit that will deal with reporting, training of media representatives, and increase of visibility of marginalised vulnerable groups, one of which are people with disabilities. The ‘Accessible Communication’ expert summit strives to connect two groups that are parts of our society: these are people with disabilities and national minorities, and thus contribute to better understanding and integration of people with disabilities into public dialogue. One of the main goals and tasks of the European Capital of Culture project is participation of all citizens of Novi Sad and Serbia, despite our differences. The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, by participating at this summit, offers support to initiatives that will point to problems of vulnerable social groups.

You can find more information at the following link.


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