
The Second ‘Divan’ on the so-called Chinese Quarter

The second ‘Divan’ – public discussion on the development of the so-called Chinese Quarter will be held on Tuesday, 29 August at 11 a.m. in ‘Fabrika’ Student Cultural Centre.

The first ‘Divan’ was held on 22 August, and it presented research processes that preceded the start of the dialogue, i.e. the results of the survey by ‘Ninamedia Research’ and mapping of the space of the so-called Chinese Quarter in individual interviews with current tenants.

During the open discussion, it was concluded that currently there is lack of proposals of relevant expert associations when it comes to the solution for the so-called Chinese Quarter, while citizens show initiative and interest for revitalisation and proposed solution of the creative district. 

Divan will be attended by members of the City Administration and relevant cultural institutions, media, as well as all interested stakeholders in culture and wider public.

The second phase of the dialogue with expert public is the Cultural Forum, initiated by the City Administration for Culture, which will be held on 31 August.

For all those who are not able to attend ‘Divan’, the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation will provide live stream via its Facebook page.


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