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Stop’n’Spot – Learn about Secrets of Novi Sad

On Thursday, 7 May, the interactive, participative and education exhibition Stop’n’Spot was set in Katolička Porta, in Novi Sad and it will be there by 15 May. This is a project within the preparation of our city for submission of application for the European Capital of Culture in 2021. This exhibition offers a new experience of Novi Sad to visitors, it is a new and interesting way to find out about its past and history. Photographs, just like comic book panels, bring to life less known or forgotten stories, legends, mysteries, landmarks, interesting facts and hidden charms of Novi Sad.

Thanks to QR codes next to each photograph, passers-by have a chance to access website, where they can read in more detail about photographed places, but they also have a chance to get in touch with other citizens and embark together on this ‘forgotten tour’ of Novi Sad. What is especially interesting is that citizens have a possibility to add their own memories of certain photographed places, as well as to suggest other neglected locations of Novi Sad.

The very project is both city tour and virtual tour, showing cultural-historic richness of Novi Sad that is less known, insufficiently promoted, forgotten or neglected. This tour is the start of the important journey on which we can get to know our own values, not just become aware of them, but learn to share them, i.e. present them to Europe. It shows the city as a small-big city which many believe to know well, but which still hides urban, cultural, historical and architectural secrets. The exhibition also wishes to make these, and many other places, part of the local identity of the city and its citizens.

The project is realised within the preparation of the candidacy of the City of Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture in 2021. It is an educational and participative project, which invites citizens to actively participate, not just by exploring the locations shown in the project, but by adding to it with their knowledge, experiences, stories, impressions and memories. In this way, by sharing information and knowledge, citizens can get to know and educate each other. The project is open for visitors every day from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. We are waiting for you – let’s unlock memories and share them!

The project Stop’n’Spot was created in summer school for management and art, organised by the Donau Büro in Ulm, Germany. The author of the project, Aleksandra Stajić, won the Goethe Institut Prize in form of the financial support in realisation of the project.

You can find more information on the project at the рroject website and Facebook page Stop’n’Spot.



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