
The ‘EYE-Net’ Project Initiated

The first activity regarding the ‘European Youth Engagement Network – EYE-Net’ project led and coordinated by the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, implemented in cooperation with 15 partner organisations from the region and Europe was organised in Sremski Karlovci during the last weekend, from Friday, 12 October until Monday, 15 October.                                       

The idea of the project was to activate young people and focus on the European values through the creation of 5 youth theatre plays that were related to current topics and values of the European Union. Organisations from Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Hungary will work together on the project. One of the partners in the project is the Municipality of Sremski Karlovci and first activity was organised in the ceremonial hall of the Grammar School of Karlovci. The gathering in Sremski Karlovci is the first step towards implementation of the project and it will last until December 2019. 80 participants from Serbia and partner countries attended the creative workshop. Besides young people and workers from Rijeka, Varaždin, Novo Mesto, Maribor, Budapest, Pécs, Padua and Genoa, representatives of partner organisations from Serbia participated in the workshop, as well as students from the Grammar School of Karlovci who met each other and exchange their opinions and experience with peers from European countries. All stakeholders of the workshop will have their roles in the production of youth theatre play as actors and actresses, while performance in the form of travelling festival in partner countries of the project is planned from April, and national public will have a chance to see performances during June 2019. Special focus of the project is the participation of young people with restricted social possibilities.
The ‘European Youth Engagement Network – EYE-Net’ is approved and financed from the EU funds within the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme by the European Commission. The project is ranked as the fourth from the total amount of 109 submitted applications and 19 approved projects within the ‘Network of Cities’ sub-programme in 2018.


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