
Future of Europe: Lectures by World Experts on Bauhaus

On the occasion of 100 years of the Bauhaus movement and its significance for the architectural development of our city, programmes dedicated to promoting the modernistic heritage of Novi Sad will be held within the ‘Future of Europe’ platform. In that manner, the experts from Israel and Germany will hold lectures on 20 and 21 May.

Tim Rieniets, an expert in researching contemporary problems in architecture and urban development, who is also a professor of urban and spatial development at the University of Leibniz in Hannover, will hold the lecture with the topic ‘Big Beautiful Buildings  – Campaign for Post-War Architecture in the Ruhr Area’ in the Svilara Cultural Station on 20 May at 6 p.m.
The following day the citizens of Novi Sad will have a chance to hear the ‘Preservation and Renovation: Bauhaus and the Buildings of International Style in Tel Aviv’ lecture by professor Micha Gross, who leads the Bauhaus Centre in Tel Aviv. He will talk about characteristics and urban plan of the city, as well as renovation and protection of architectural heritage.

The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Goethe Institute and Embassy of Israel.
The ‘Future of Europe’ platform will include educative and circus workshops, exhibitions, festivals, concerts, theatre plays and many other activities. The focus is on children and young fellow citizens, who will have the opportunity to find cultural content according to their interests, but also to engage in creating new, different cultural contents, to learn about European values ​​and to show how they can contribute to cultural image of the city. The ‘Future of Europe’ conference deals with finding new narratives for Europe and explores the role of art of culture in preventing negative social tendencies in the EU. In this context, models of the future development of Europe are explored with cultural managers and creators.
More than 40 domestic and foreign organisations and cultural institutions are involved in the ‘Future of Europe’ platform. Programmes will last until 7 June, and detailed information can be found here.


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