
Heritage Walks – Open Call Invites Citizens to Interpret the Cultural Heritage of Novi Sad

The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation launched the ‘Heritage Walks’ open call within the second phase of the project of the same name, which invites citizens and encourages their interpretation of heritage through creatively designed ‘Walks’.

Тhe open call will support 15 projects (10 from Novi Sad, 5 from the Zone 021) that meet conditions and cover the topic of the public call through walk, performance, theatre play, exhibition, photography, event in their own spaces and other similar forms.


What does it actually mean?

The general aim of the call is to encourage citizens to get involved in preservation of cultural heritage through contemporary methods of interpretation of their memory and experience in order to achieve the following results:

  1. better understanding of cultural heritage outside the official historical accounts and recognition, assessment and interpretation of everyday life, intimate historical and local stories;
  2. encouraging citizens to present their personal stories about interesting places, people and events that present the unofficial history of the city of Novi Sad and its surroundings;
  3. involving as many citizens as possible in discussions about culture and way of life of their neighbourhood, through sharing their personal stories;
  4. increasing sensitivity when it comes to cultural diversity that is present in the city of Novi Sad and Zone 021.

During the assessment of project proposals, the selection jury will assess the originality of the project, personal approach in creation of the walk, creativity in interpretation, presentation of ‘invisible’ history of the city, i.e. stories that are not present in the official narratives.


Who can apply?

Initiators can be all interested natural persons, who would like to tell their story in accordance with defined requirements of the call.

Only legal persons that are registered in the Serbian Business Registers Agency and have the status of Association, i.e. local Associations of natural persons can participate in the open call as applicants.


The deadline for submitting applications and accompanying documentation is 21 February 2019.


More information about the public call and necessary documentation can be found on the official website of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation.


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