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Heritage Walks Reveal the Secrets of Sremski Karlovci in September

How homes and yards of citizens of Karlovci look like and what are the stories behind them? This cultural treasure will be revealed with the ‘My Karlovci Story’ walk within the ‘Heritage Walks’ project.

The society that fosters tradition and development of Sremski Karlovci, which initiated the ‘My Karlovci Story’ project, invites you to contribute to the project by sending stories and memories about Sremski Karlovci on tradicijakarlovci@gmail.com Video message should be no longer than 2 minutes, and written messages should consist of 10 key words that remind you of Sremski Karlovci.

Deadline for sending materials is 15 August, and submitted works will be presented at the end of walks in the Homeland Collection in Sremski Karlovci.

The ‘My Karlovci Story’ will open the doors of two private homes, whose owners will share personal memories, interesting anecdotes, personal items and photographs and point to the cultural diversity of Sremski Karlovci. Visitors will have a chance to try some of authentic sweets from Karlovci!

The first walk will be organised on 7 September 2019 at 3 p.m., and meeting will be in the yard of the Society for cherishing tradition and the development of Sremski Karlovci in Patrijarha Rajačića Street no. 3, where the walk starts.

The ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ involves citizens in preservation of cultural heritage through contemporary ways of interpretation of personal memories and experience. The total amount of 11 projects by Novi Sad associations was supported within the project and in that manner we are given the chance to present less popular, personal stories about the city and citizens of Novi Sad.


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