My Neighbourhood

The Cultural Centre of Novi Sad, as the holder of project Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture in 2021, organised the first of many projects that should include all citizens in designing better and high quality way of life, improving of environment and tolerance. The project is called ‘My Neighbourhood’ and it intends to encourage citizens to improve the most basic of cultures – the culture of living. This project is unique because of its model of bringing together citizens around the idea of raising awareness about the level of urban culture of their immediate life environment through an original way of perception.

During the programme, at different locations in the city, in Liman, Grbavica, Detelinara, Novo Naselje, Klisa, Sremska Kamenica and Petrovaradin, tables were places on which citizens could write what they want to change in their neighbourhood. Volunteers kept shifts next to the boards. They promoted the project and encouraged citizens and helped them give their contribution and write their opinions. After each day, the filled in panels were photographed and then erased so that they could be filled in the following day.

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