‘Three Cheers for Novi Sad 2021’ – Exhibition of Children’s Drawings

Apart from partner cities, important cultural institutions and a large number of different organisations, support for the candidacy of Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture in 2021 was provided by children of Novi Sad. Together with their teacher, they were drawing on the topic ‘Novi Sad – My City’, and the best drawings were presented at the exhibition ‘Three Cheers for Novi Sad 2021’ which was opened today 8 September, at Liberty Square. On that occasion children and their teachers were welcomed by City Council member in charge of culture Vanja Vučenović.

– Youth, energy and creativity are the essential advantages of Novi Sad in the candidacy for the European Capital of Culture in 2021. With this exhibition we promote children’s creativity and give our youngest citizens the opportunity to express themselves and to give us their impression of life in Novi Sad. The city, through ‘Radosno Detinjstvo’ Preschool Institution and other cultural and educational organisations, takes care of the youngest citizens, introduces culture to them and encourages their creativity, and that is an important segment of our application for this prestigious tittle – said Vanja Vučenović.

Participants of this projects which was organised by Cities of Novi Sad and Dortmund were children from 12 kindergartens from ‘Radosno Detinjstvo’ Institution. Children were drawing on the topic ‘Novi Sad – My City’, and 100 of these drawings were selected to be presented on the exhibition. At the opening ceremony the participants were welcomed by Director of ‘Radosno Detinjstvo’ PI Mirjana Đurđev, as well as Programme Director of candidacy of Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture Momčilo Bajac, who said that children are the most important ambassadors of Novi Sad and that their exhibition is a real prelude to a major conference where Novi Sad will receive the support from the eight representatives of European Capitals of Culture.

The City of Dortmund have sent another letter of support to the candidacy of Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture in 2021, in which, among other things, states that ‘the main challenge of Novi Sad is how to deal with demographic and intercultural changes. In order to find solutions to this challenge the general theme of the candidacy of Novi Sad could be ‘New Generations’, which is also a key issue for all cities. Therefore, the Department of Culture of the City of Dortmund is willing to be an exchange programme partner who will work with ‘New Generations’ and the first step towards that is the active involvement of, among others, the youngest population. The exhibition of children’s drawings is a wonderful example of this – the letter says.

The exhibition ‘Three Cheers for Novi Sad 2021’ will last until 14 September at Liberty Square.

[youtube watch?v=XkGD53F1u-U]


[youtube watch?v=2Cm7_qC7_AE]


[youtube watch?v=ZH6lLfXD_xY]

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