‘New Places’ urban-design open call

The urban-design call for designing small public spaces in Novi Sad has been launched and lasts till 1 July 2018. The call is organised within the ‘New Places’ project and intended for managing small public surfaces for organising cultural events and socialisation between citizens of Novi Sad.

After inviting citizens to give their suggestions for management of small public surfaces, this time we would like to find out what professionals recommend.

‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation launched the urban-design call for improvement of small public spaces on 18 May 2018, entitled ‘New Places’ – new places where citizens can meet and organise cultural events. The interested expert public has a chance to submit their ideas and projects by 1 July 2018. All expert legal and private persons – architects, urbanists, landscape architects, as well as students who attend study programmes in these fields are eligible applicants.

You can find more information (in Serbia) about this call and urban-design solutions for locations here.

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