
‘Possibilities for Financing through the EU Funds’ Training


The ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation and ‘European Affairs’ Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina implement a three-day professional training ‘Possibilities for Financing through the EU Funds’ for employees in the cultural institutions on the territory of Novi Sad and Zone 021 – Irig, Sremski Karlovci, Beočin on 5, 6 and 7 September.

The aim of the training held in the Egység Cultural Station is to train participants to individually formulate project proposals for the European Union Funds, and to learn how to position themselves in the frames of defined priorities and measures, as well as financial limitations. During the training, participants will develop skills and stances that are needed for taking active roles in development and implementation of projects at local and regional levels.

Other aims of the training:

  • familiarising with ways of management, basic characteristics and programming of available EU funds within the IPA instrument for pre-accession assistance from the EU,
  • presenting the importance of pre-accession funds from the European Union,
  • familiarising with concepts of cross-border cooperation programme and European Union programme,
  • familiarising with basic principles on managing project cycle,
  • familiarising with and practical use of logical framework in formulating and developing project ideas,
  • familiarising and training for use of instruments that facilitate the preparation of projects (problem tree, solution tree etc.),
  • familiarising with criteria of evaluation of quality of project ideas,
  • presenting examples of successful projects.

The training is the result of joint work of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation and ‘European Affairs’ Fund, based on the cooperation agreement that these two organisations signed in December 2017.



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