quo vadis homo?


Student Exhibition in Svilara: Art Responding to Technological Changes

Human and Machine. Art and Technology. Animate and Inanimate. These are the topics of works by students from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, which are part of the QUO VADIS HOMO? exhibition that will be opened in the Svilara Cultural Station (Đorđa Rajkovića 6b) on 26 February at 7 p.m.

The exhibition consists of more than thirty works in forms of text video games, comics, gif animations, illustrations, architecture projects, video projections and sculptures.

The exhibition opens the first regional conference on platform economy called The Reshaping Work Conference East and Southeast European (ESE) Edition and the topics will be discussed through the exhibition of student work during the first academic platform economy conference in this part of Europe.

You can find more information about the exhibition here facebook event. 

The exhibition is cooperation between Academy of Arts in Novi Sad and Foreign Policy Research Centre that organises the conference on platform economy and the ‘Svilara’ Cultural Station.

The importance of organising an exhibition of this format and topics were recognized by Delegacija Evropske unije u Republici Srbiji who financially supported its implementation.

Reshaping Work is a non-profit initiative based in Amsterdam, launched in 2016 with the aim to bring different stakeholders together to discuss the future of work that intense technological changes bring and to find ways to shape the future of work in new circumstances. In the meantime, the initiative has grown into a series of regionally organised events across Europe  (Barcelona, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Novi Sad, with Madrid, Zürich and Berlin in preparation).


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