BBNS – Digitisation of Cultural Heritage of Novi Sad

BBS-BannerDigitisation of the content that represents the cultural heritage of the city is one of the priorities of the cultural strategy of the City of Novi Sad and it is in accordance with the policy of digitisation promoted by the European Union. The starting point for this project is the rich heritage of Novi Sad, collections of documents and goods that can be found in archives of institutions of culture in Novi Sad. The goal of this project is to preserve cultural heritage of Novi Sad and make it available to citizens through its digitisation and systematisation in the unique database and through creating on-line platform that will provide greater visibility of the content.

The leaders of the project ‘Digitisation of Cultural Heritage of Novi Sad’ are the Cultural Centre as the resource institution for culture in Novi Sad, and the PCE Informatika, the leading enterprise in the field of modern information technologies. Using the technology from the USA and following the rules and principles of the European Union in the field of digitisation, project leaders plan to gather institutions of Novi Sad that will, apart from preservation, increase their activities and enable content use in an easier way by opening their archives.

You can visit the platform at

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