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Stefan Milenković – violinist


We all know the story of Stefan Milenković as a „wunderkind.“ He has been internationally recognized and famous both for its exceptional performing arts and a strong commitment to humanitarian work. But how it all started…

Stefan Milenković was born on January 25th, 1977 in Belgrade. First violin lessons, when he was three years old, were given to him by his father Zoran. Three years later he had his first performance as a soloist with orchestra. He attracted worldwide attention as a ten year old. After the invitation of the US President Reagan to play at the White House, he was also invited to perform in front of the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev (in Belgrade), and Pope John Paul II, and after that the development of the young artist went shining upward. One of the most prominent Jubilees he had when he was only 16, playing in Mexico his thousandth concert.

After 1994, as the youngest graduate of the University of Arts in Belgrade, he was invited to study at Juilliard, where he worked with Dorothy DeLay. In 2003 he was appointed corresponding member of the Juilliard School.

Why Stefan Milenković?

As a true representative of the elite culture, he accepted the invitation of „Novi Sad 2021“ team during the candidacy for the title of the European Capital of Culture, to perform in Novi Sad and thus send a strong message to the world that Novi Sad deserves to be European Capital of Culture! He held an unforgettable concert in Katolička porta, accompanied by the Novi Sad Chamber Ensemble „Camerata Academica“.

On that occasion he emphasized that for him Novi Sad „has always been the European Capital of Culture“, and obtaining the prestigious title would be „just a formality“.


Minja Mikić – Artist


The versatile young artist Manja Mikić was born in 1975 in Novi Sad, where she graduated from the Academy of Arts. She lives and works in Rome, but besides „the eternal city“ she works and exhibits in Zurich and New York.

She managed to form her own artistic expression and technique which allow her to show her artistic research – achievements in an abstract painting she has applied in the realization of unique portraits. She is not postmodernist, but for her paintings we could say to be postmodern. Works of Minja Mikić, which are increasingly taking their place on the world art scene, are displayed in Rome at the „Galleria della Tartaruga“ and „Galleria Edieuropa“, in the „Urban Art,“ in New York as well as in „Kunsthaus“ gallery in Zurich.

Why Minja Mikić?

The biggest „recognitions“ she has experienced in Italy. Her works called „Soul and body of Italy,“ were part of the presentation of the Italian national team at the Olympics in Rio. She also had the honor of representing the Italian Art in New York, on the occasion of Apennine republic last year.

Now she has the opportunity to promote her hometown and with great pleasure she accepted to be the ambassador of Novi Sad as the European Capital of Culture.


Aleksandar Milutinović – photographer

fotograf-aleksandar-milutinovic.343x0He was born in 1979 in Novi Sad. He made his first steps in the world of photography in 1986. Since then, he has passed all of its phases, both analogue and digital. Photography is his passion and the way of life. He mostly photographs city landscapes, nature, children and events. He likes challenges and travelling, and doesn’t miss a chance to photograph something new and different. He lives and works in Novi Sad.


Why Aleksandar Milutinović?

Aleksandar Milutinović was suggested by you, citizens of Novi Sad. You drew our attention to his original approach in representing our city.

As he says, lately he has been focusing to the city where he was born in which he grew up. He tries to immortalise the moments from squares of Novi Sad, its events, people, architecture which is a contract between old and new. His project ‘Novi Sad through lens 365 days’ offers a new angle from which we can observe the beauty of our city.

Take a look how Aleksandar sees Novi Sad on his official pages www.aleksandarmilutinovic.com and www.facebook.com/fotoaleksandarmilutinovic.


Become an ambassador of the Project Novi Sad 2021 or suggest one!

Tell everyone how important it is for Novi Sad to become the European Capital of Culture in 2021. Write at info@novisad2021.rs.

Vreme i vaseljena – izložba o vremenu

Time and Universe – Exhibition About Time

Izložba „Vreme i vaseljena – izložba o vremenu” povešće nas na putovanje od tame do svetlosti, od haosa do kosmosa, okvirena pričom o srpskom naučniku Milutinu Milankoviću kroz prizmu umetnosti.
Autor vizuelno-umetničkog dela postavke je Dušan Jovović, koji je ujedno i autor prestižnih multimedijalnih i interaktivnih izložbi koje su imale međunarodni odjek. Autor narativa je prof. dr Aleksandar Petrović, izuzetan poznavalac života i dela Milutina Milankovića, kojim se bavi preko 50 godina.

Džimi Tenor

Jimi Tenor

Finski muzičar i kompozitor Džimi Tenor prisutan je dugi niz godina na muzičkoj sceni. Prvi album objavio je 1988. godine sa bendom Jimi Tenor & His Shamans, da bi solo karijeru otpočeo 1994. albumom Sähkömies. Nastup ovog muzičkog vizionara, koji na autentičan način spaja džez sa drugim umetničkim žanrovima, gledaćemo u okviru Dočeka 2022. godine.



Jedna od najboljih portugalskih pevačica dolazi u Evropsku prestonicu kulture početkom 2022. godine! Nova kraljica fado muzike Karminjo potiče iz muzičke porodice i svojim radom spaja tradicionalni i savremeni fado, ali se bavi i drugim žanrovima, kao što je brazilska muzika.



Једна од најбољих португалских певачица долази у Европску престоницу културе почетком 2022. године! Нова краљица фадо музике Кармињо потиче из музичке породице и својим радом спаја традиционални и савремени фадо, али се бави и другим жанровима, као што је бразилска музика.

Џими Тенор

Jimi Tenor

Фински музичар и композитор Џими Тенор присутан је дуги низ година на музичкој сцени. Први албум објавио је 1988. године са бендом Jimi Tenor & His Shamans, да би соло каријеру отпочео 1994. албумом Sähkömies. Наступ овог музичког визионара, који на аутентичан начин спаја џез са другим уметничким жанровима, гледаћемо у оквиру Дочека 2022. године.

Време и васељена – изложба о времену

Time and Universe – Exhibition About Time

Изложба „Време и васељена – изложба о времену” повешће нас на путовање од таме до светлости, од хаоса до космоса, оквирена причом о српском научнику Милутину Миланковићу кроз призму уметности.
Аутор визуелно-уметничког дела поставке је Душан Јововић, који је уједно и аутор престижних мултимедијалних и интерактивних изложби које су имале међународни одјек. Аутор наратива је проф. др Александар Петровић, изузетан познавалац живота и дела Милутина Миланковића, којим се бави преко 50 година.