
The ‘Art and Inclusion’ Project – Everybody at the Same Dance Floor

The Gallery of Matica Srpska and Per.Art Association organised inclusive workshops that resulted in two performances, as part of the ‘Access to Culture’ open call of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, within the ‘Art and Inclusion’ Project. The ‘Mala Žurka Propuštenog Plesa’ performance will be held in the Cultural Centre of Beočin, on Thursday, 21 February at 6:30 p.m., while another performance entitled ‘Dis_Sylphide’ will be held in the Youth Theatre on 22 and 23 February at 7 p.m.

The ‘Mala Žurka Propuštenog Plesa’ is a hybrid public event, which ‘strolls’ between the theatre play, dance party, happening and underground party. People with disabilities, audience and performers will be at the place where they have never been gathered together, at the same ‘dance floor’, in the same basement, at the same ‘scene’, the place where private and public intertwine and make a new condition that offers new collective experience because of which we would not be able to miss a chance to dance, and all other lifetime occasions that make us human.

The focus of the ‘Dis_Sylphide’ performance is on the history of German dance scene and works that were created in Germany in 20th century, which made a profound impact on the world of dance. Choreographies ‘Hexentanz’ by Mary Wigman from 1926, ‘Kontakthof’ by Pina Bausch from 1978 and ‘Self Unfinished’ by Xavier Le Roy from 1998, which have changed the perception of dance, choreography and dance body, radically differed from the dance standards of their time. During the workshops, participants were interested in analysis of the process of standardisation in dance and society we are part of. The thing they found out during the process, and turned out to be the great potential for re-examination of position of people with disabilities in dance, is the way in which all three choreographies deal with different, unfamiliar relationship between an individual and society and the question of identity.

Confirm your presence until Wednesday, 20 February via this e-mail:

The entrance to both performances is free of charge!


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