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Cartoonists – Participants of the Colony for Tapestry Making

This year’s Tapestry Colony ‘Boško Petrović’, organised by the ‘Atelje 61’ City Institution for Tapestry Making that fosters long tradition, brings innovations to its organisation – participants of this year’s colony will not be painters, but cartoonists!

The ‘Everyday Heroes’ Colony Assembly will be held at the Petrovaradin Fortress, in ‘Atelje 61’, from Monday to Friday (7 – 11 September), as an introduction to the first phase of the ‘Comics on Tapestry’ project, which will be implemented within the ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ project.

The artists of different generations, who use different styles and work in different fields, and are all characterised by indisputable quality, will be presented during this year’s selection of artists.

Željko Pahek, founder of Beogradski krug 2, and the only Yugoslav author whose all works were published in the most prestigious American specialised comics-magazine ‘Heavy Metal’ and Đorđe Milović, whose works were also published several times in France will participate in the Colony. Paul Gravett, the most eminent comic book critic, described them in the following way: ‘Željko Pahek, Đorđe Milović and Zoran Tucić are contemporary creators of a real international importance’.

Young talents, already known in their field of work, are Dragana Kuprešanin, PhD student at the University of Arts in Belgrade, known for experimental forms, including revolutionary approach ‘Comics for the Blind and Visually Impaired’, exhibited in the Ilija M. Kolarac Foundation, as well as Nevena Marković, who maintains the quality of local comics at the highest level and presents the importance of support for new authors.

Dejan Nenadov is a member of golden generation of Novi Sad comics. He has been recognized as a national comics-author with his album ‘Elazar’, and his 14 albums were published by the most prestigious publishing houses in France. Dejan’s intellectual connection of comics and literature contributes to the connection of two different media, with unique and powerful graphic content.

Iva Atoski develops new, experimental forms, connects sculpture and comics, and creates metamorphosis of artistic disciplines. Such creative potential is impossible to fulfil within a single form. Her work was recognised outside Serbia, and in addition to local exhibitions, she was a resident in Cité Internationale des arts in Paris.

Bojan Milojević Asterijan, winner of ‘The Best Achievement in the Field of Alternative Comics Language’ award (SKC 2019), explores topics that used to be science fiction with his aesthetics of transhumanism, thus warning about dark future of our global existence.

Serjoža Popov, keeper of traditional fine art expression, mostly dedicated to children, but adults as well, brings us the balanced connection of classical Serbian tradition of iconography brightened up with contemporary approach and high ethical and pedagogic function.

Marija Ristić, art historian, curator and critic, has been actively working on the contemporary cultural and artistic scene in our country and organising fine art colonies, as well as other group and author’s exhibitions since 2015. She is the author of 16 exhibition prefaces, and this time, she will hold several lectures on the topic of tapestry progress and Serbian illustration, by the comparative overview and possibilities of multiform that the colony offers.

Zoran Stefanović, artist, cultural worker, researcher, dramaturge and PhD student at the University of Arts in Belgrade, has been working in the field of media, culture and humanities, in cooperation

with institutions in Europe and the USA, for three decades. He was the founder of international projects in the field of publishing, digitisation, lexicography and pop culture.

The colony will be open in the premises of the ‘Atelje 61’, every day, from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.


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