Out of the Comfort Zone: Around Hundred Cultural Workers Attend Foreign Language Courses

The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation organised free training programme of foreign languages for cultural workers employed in cultural institutions within the ‘Out of the Comfort Zone’ project. More than hundred cultural workers attend classes of foreign languages, which are implemented with the support of the Italian Institute in Serbia, French Institute, as well as the NS Pro Group – Centre for Education from Novi Sad.

Cultural workers have an opportunity to learn English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. Our city will celebrate 2021 as the European Capital of Culture and thus gather a great number of artists from around the world. This is the reason why most of cultural programmes will be implemented in foreign languages. The courses will contribute to better understanding and involvement in cultural-artistic projects and contents that will promote Novi Sad as the centre of European culture and art.

The training programme that includes 105 employees in cultural institutions presents the implementation of the strategy of attracting new investments that the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation carries out in the context of economic strengthening of institutions in the city. This activity will allow the development of language capacities of employees and contribute to further internationalisation of cultural scene and connection with partners from Europe as one of the main goals of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ project.

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