
Denial of News Regarding Saša Magazinović’s Open Letter

We would like to deny the media reports that the painting ‘Magdalena’, for which we received information from the media that it was ‘the work of Đoko Mazalić that was stolen in BiH’ and that ‘it is owned by a collector from Novi Sad’ is planned to be exhibited during the opening of the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture project.

This work of art and the mentioned exhibition were never part of the application book or any programme plan of the project, and the Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture Foundation does not have, nor has it ever had any connection with the digitalisation platform within which, according to media, this work of art is displayed.

The previous organizing committee of the candidacy for the European Capital also had its own digitization plan that has nothing to do with the digitization website mentioned in this text. The logo that is present on that site originates from the period of candidacy for the European Capital of Culture from 2014, while in the meantime the project management was completely changed, as well as the programme and application book, which brought Novi Sad the title of the capital of culture.

The team of the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture project has been building capacities for 2022, when, based on the proposal of the European Commission, Novi Sad will take the title of the capital of culture. We have based our reputation on dignified work and activities that we wish to convey a positive image of cultural practices in the city in Serbia, the region and the world, developing new projects, launching new processes and new spaces for culture, with the desire to provide support to cultural institutions and non-institutional art scene to grow and develop.

All information related to the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture project is available on the project website, and the press service of the Foundation is open for any additional information related to this or any other issue on the work of the team behind this project.


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