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‘Oko(m) knjige’ and ‘Pocket Globe’ Online Series Continue

Discussion about literature ‘Oko(m) knjige’, as well as music journeys around the world within the ‘Pocket Globe’ series, continue its cycles within well-known projects of the Egység Cultural Station. Due to the pandemic situation, programmes will be held online.око(м) књиге pocket globe

Tomorrow, on 6 August, Nemanja Tasić, a percussionist from Novi Sad, will enrich the promotion of non-commercial sound and names of ethno, jazz and experimental music of the ‘Pocket Globe’ cycle on the Facebook page of the Egység Cultural Station.

Monday, 10 August, is reserved for Jelena Petošević, better known as Lady Jelena, a non-traditional musician with intriguing voice, while on Thursday, 13 August, we will have a chance to hear attractive high-energy mix of afro beat, soul, jazz, latino and reggae music by the artist Igor Vince. All programmes start at 9 p.m.

Fans of literature can participate in discussions about literature within the ‘Oko(m) knjige’ cycle with writer and screenwriter Stefan Bošković, a winner of the European Award for Literature 2020 for the novel ‘Ministar’. Bošković will be a guest in Egység on Saturday, 8 August, from 7 p.m.

Next week, on 15 August, at the same time, we will have a chance to see Bojan Krivokapić, a winner of numerous awards for prose, poetry, as well as the award for the best work by young author in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro.


The idea of literary evenings ‘Oko(m) knjige’ is to activate and involve followers, who can send their questions, while pocket music excursions within the ‘Pocket Globe’ cycle are aimed at presenting great names of popular word music scene of ethno, jazz and experimental music to the citizens of Novi Sad, by introducing a blend of different nations, culture, music and instruments.

Both projects are produced by the Egység Cultural Station, launched within the ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ project.