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Future of Europe – Days of Israel

Excellent tastes of simple Israeli cuisine and a varied repertoire of the Novi Sad ’Hashira’ choir are waiting for you in the Egység Cultural Station on 24 May. Entrance is free.

One of the best ways to learn about the culture of another nation is traditional food and music, so the ‘Future of Europe’ platform will give the citizens of Novi Sad an opportunity to learn about Israel this time. 
Cultural buffet that will include simple, yet interesting and delicious Israeli specialties, such as humus, will be organised at 6p.m., and followed by the ‘Hashira’ choir of the Novi Sad Jewish municipality performance at 8 p.m. This mixed amateur ensemble that celebrated 25th anniversary of its existence last year, sings in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Serbian and Spanish, with no genre or time limitations.
They will perform selected works of Jewish spiritual and world music, as well as domestic and foreign choir music, and new compositions prepared for the choir competition in Italuy in July this year. Vesna Kesić Krsmanović leads the ‘Hashira’ choir for more than 16 years now. Nora Čonkić Petrović will be the soloist, while Julija Bal will accompany her on the piano.

The programme is implemented in cooperation with the Embassy of Israel.

Israeli Film Night

After traditional cuisine and music, the Egység Cultural Station will be the place of Israeli film on 27 and 28 May. 
The seventh art will be presented by four films:

27 May at 6:30 p.m.

MR.GAGA (Tomer Heymann)                                     

A documentary about Ohad Naharin, artistic director of the ‘Batsheva Dance Company,’ who is considered to be one of the world’s most significant choreographers. Showing him at the turning point of personal life, this lively and delightful documentary will present a man with strong artistic integrity and exceptional vision. It was filmed for eight years and directed by Tomas Heymann, and it combines intimate videos with unpublished archival material and dance scenes.

27 May at 8:30 p.m. (outside the Egység Cultural Station, if the weather conditions allow) 

SAVING NETA (Nir Bergmann)

Four women in chaotic life circumstances meet a mysterious stranger, Neta, whose sincerity and vulnerability help them to strengthen their family ties. When Netat’s life suddenly moves in the wrong direction, he tries to get back on the right path. His story is told through meetings with women whom he meets over a year at moments that are crucial both for him and for them. Each person is a reflection of the other, and the question raised in one story often has the answer in another.

28 May at 6:30 p.m. 

FOOTNOTE (Joseph Cedar)                                                                                                    

A delicate, dramatic, deeply touched and surprising film about the disgraceful rivalry of father and son, professor of Talmud studies in the race for the most important state award. An anecdote that becomes a tragicomic drama tells of Zionism, academic and family life. The film received an award for the script at the Cannes Festival, 11 National Ophir Awards, and was an Israeli candidate for the Oscar Award. The prestigious ‘The New York Times’ ranked him among the top five films in 2011.

28 May at 8:30 p.m. (outside the Egység Cultural Station, if the weather conditions allow) 

PRESENTING PRINCESS SHAW (Ido Haar)                                                                                      

The 39-year-old Samantha Montgomery lives alone in one of the suburbs of New Orleans. She works as a nurse during the day, and turns into Princess Shaw in the evening and performs at local clubs. She posts her own a capella videos on YouTube, which are not particularly popular. However, one of her listeners was an Israeli musician Kutiman, who was involved in combining various recordings from that site in order to get new music. Princess Shaw had no idea of ​​her secret admirer. This is an exciting documentary about how dreams come true, but also about the difficult moments of Samantha Montgomery, the YouTube sensation.

The ‘Future of Europe’ platform will include educative and circus workshops, exhibitions, festivals, concerts, theatre plays and many other activities. The focus is on children and young fellow citizens, who will have the opportunity to find cultural content according to their interests, but also to engage in creating new, different cultural contents, to learn about European values ​​and to show how they can contribute to cultural image of the city. 
More than 40 local and foreign organisations and cultural institutions are involved in the ‘Future of Europe’ platform. Programmes will last until 7 June, and detailed information can be found here.


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