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Gastronomic and Music Event for the 2018 New Year’s Eve Celebration during the Day Party in Republic Square

The big 2018 New Year’s Eve celebration at four locations and with more than fifty performers in Novi Sad will start in the early afternoon. One of the favourite destinations for citizens of Novi Sad – Republic Square, near the Fish Market, will be transformed into a dance floor for the day party that starts at noon. The party will feature extraordinary bands such as Gift, JeuNS, Čičini Čvorci and many others. Visitors will also have a chance to experience the rich gastronomic offer of famous restaurants and producers of domestic wine, schnapps and craft beer from Novi Sad. The day party that you should not miss will be a prelude to an excellent music programme in Liberty Square that features Plavi Orkestar, Darko Runderk and S.A.R.S. At the same time, Studio M will host many local, foreign and regional techno and rap performers such as Krešo Bengalka, John Acquaviva, Kristijan Molnar, Rasheed, Yeah Left, and many others.

Coloured by the music of many genres, the stage in Repiblic Square will host favourite Novi Sad performers. Gift band will present their British rock’n’roll sound, while JeuNS will bring extraordinary tones of Afro-pop and music overflowing with positive energy, while Čičini Čvorci will present jazz theatre, fusion, rock and experimental. The stage resident will be DJ Dirty, who will warm-up the crowd with recognisable schlager songs, and the resident band Street Meat will perform famous classical numbers and hits of domestic rock in their unusual and original style using the guitar and cello.

The atmosphere of the square will be lightened by an excellent gastronomic offer, provided by famous Novi Sad restaurants such as Divlja Kuhinja, Toster Bar and many others. In addition to attractive music rhythms, visitors will be able to warm up with local drinks offered by popular craft breweries Razbeerbriga, Zbir Pivara, Carstvo Piva, local and Krstašica schnapps, Adžić winery and many others.

The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, as the organiser of the New Year’s Eve celebration, will present a celebration with the most diverse artistic programme so far on the remaining three locations. After the day programme in Republic Square and children’s celebration in the Danube Park, the main Novi Sad square will feature great names of the local and regional scenes: Plavi Orkestar, Darko Rundek and S.A.R.S., while at the same time the Studio M will host a party for fans of techno and rap music with more than 10 local, regional and international performers such as John Acquaviva, Krešo Bengalka, Kristijan Molnar, Yeah Left, Aleksandra Duende, and others. Since the Studio M is the only location with limited capacity, it is the only location within the New Year’s Eve celebration for which the entrance is not free. Tickets for the Studio M party are available in the Gigstix ticket offices.

The artistic concept of the 2018 celebration was designed by the team of directors, stage and light designers, and video artists that had a special task to bring to life buildings, streets and squares of Novi Sad on New Year’s Eve, while for the first time in Serbia, especially for Novi Sad, Prince Đorđe Karađorđević will personally design the fireworks.


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